Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.61.08 Prunus spinosa
Names: Prunus spinosa, Druparia spinosa.
English: Blackthorn, Sloe, Bullace.
German: Schlehe, Schlehdorn.
Source: Boericke, Clarke, Phatak.
They have a relationship that is hard. They have the feeling that they have to work hard for it to keep it going, that they have give themselves completely. This gives them the feeling that they are constantly busy for their spouse. It is as if it is never enough, that their husband is never satisfied, that he always thinks and says that their love is not real, otherwise she would have done more.
It can also be that they demand from their spouse the complete love. The proof of their love is that they do everything for them, that their life is completely for the love and marriage.
This leads to much grief, sadness and irritation, sourness.
Restlessness, walks about constantly, cannot remain in one place.
Ailments from sexual abuse.
Dreams: boils; visionary.
Dream: writing on a dirty table and paper becoming smeared with dirt, butter and fat.
Sweat: night.
Sensation: shooting, pressing outwards, lightning, wandering.
Time: < night.
Aversion: food.
Food: < warm food.
Physical: > rest, > doubling up, < stooping, ascending, < touch, < pressure, < motion, < jarring.
Head: headache, pressing, tearing, beneath skull, pressed outward by a sharp plug, << sun.
Eyes: pain, bursting, crushed, right eyeball, shooting like lightning through the brain to occiput, > lachrymation; irido-choroiditis; opacity of vitreous humour; ciliary neuralgia; glaucoma.
Mouth: teeth piercing pain, as if pulled out, > clenching teeth, < warm food.
Lungs: respiration anxious, short, < pain, wheezing < walking, sighing < climbing, obstructed > yawning and deep inspiration, breath remains sticking in pit of stomach.
Heart: hypertrophy, furious beating, < slightest motion; cardiac dropsy; throbbing of carotid arteries; angina pectoris, oppressed.
Abdomen: ascites.
Rectum: pain, burning, as if angular body were pressed inward; stool hard, nodular.
Urinary: bladder cramp, shooting, spasmodic ineffectual straining, neck, > urination, > doubling up.
Male: penis: pulsation, glans, < jarring of walking; prostate: enlarged.
Female: menses thin, watery, too early, too copious with sacral pain; leucorrhoea: acrid, watery purulent, staining yellow.
Urinary: frequent urging to urinate, day and night; pain bladder; dropsy.
Limbs: sprained in left ankle, swelling.
Skin: herpes zoster; itching on tips of fingers, as if frozen.