Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
643.10.00 Proteales
This order consists in Apg3 of the families Nelumbonaceae, Platanaceae, Proteaceae.
In the Plant theory more Orders and Families are included like Buxaceae, Gunneraceae, Sabiaceae, Trochondendraceae and Vitaceae. These families are close relatives to Proteales. Including them in Proteales will make Proteales paraphyletic. But that is seen in the same way as Gymnospermae: a group from where new evolution as arisen. To make the group monophyletic the new evolution should be included but that would make the group too extensive.
1. Nelumbonaceae: Nelumbo, sacred lotus, a water plant, in the past often placed together with the Nymphaeaceae.
2. Sabiaceae: Meliosma, Ophiocaryon, Sabia; vines and climbers.
3. Proteaceae.
4. Platanaceae: Platanus.
5. Gunneraceae: Gunnera, Myrothamnus; Myrothamnus can be placed in its own family Myrothamnaceae.
6. Vitaceae.
7. Buxaceae: Buxus.
Trochodendraceae: Trochodendron, Tetracentron.
This clade has a peculiar conflict between the community, the tribe or village and their own family. They want to contribute to society but often feel that that is in contrast to their own needs, the needs of their own family. They have a job that they like but it does not give in return what is needed. They feel restricted in their aims; on the one hand they want to be part of the community but on the other hand that often has drawbacks for themselves and their family.
The situation can be that of the transition from puberty to adulthood. One wants to be part of the community, having a job and getting respect. But they are often still treated as minors, trainees, youngsters who still have to learn their job and get little payment for their efforts. Or they get in conflict with friends when they start a job, due to competition or losing friends once they start their own family. The conflict can arise from having a love affair as an adolescent and then suddenly taking on responsibilities as an adult who gets married and has children. The responsibilities interfere with the freedom and playfulness of puberty.
This can give rise to feelings of getting locked, limited, blocked. It feels like getting into the prison of an adult life with all the responsibilities of marriage, children and work. It is the transition to the most material period in life where one has to conform, to buy a house and start a family.
They can get the feeling of having to corrupt oneself, to adjust to the real world where one has to compromise. This is in contrast to puberty where one can imagine an ideal world for oneself, not hindered by the limitations of adulthood and the community.
Sensation: trapped, stuck, caught, blocked, limited.