Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
444.00.00 Polypodiidae
Name: Pteridophyta sensu scictu; Monilophyta; Polypodiopsida; Filicopsida; Pteridopsida; Leptosporangiate ferns; Polypodiopsida; Ferns.
English: Ferns; Plants.
Botany: 7 Orders; 30 Families; 9000 Species; stems, leaves, roots; vascular plants; reproduce via spores and have neither seeds nor flowers; first fossils from 360 million years ago, Carboniferous.
Use: no economic importance; food; ornamental; remediating contaminated soils.
Culture: mythology; medicine; art.
Pteridophyta is a Phylum in the Plant Kingdom. In recent classifications it also includes the Equisetopsida. Lycopodiopsida are a separate clade at the phylogentic start of the tracheophyta, the vascular plants; the Leptosporangiate ferns form the major clade of the Pteridophyta.
In the Plant theory Leptosporangiate ferns are treated as a Class and named Polypodiidae. The biggest Order is Polypodiales, which can be divided in 3 Suborders, as shown below. Polypodiidae are divided tentatively in Phases.
1. Salviniales.
2. Schizaeales.
3. Gleichniales, Hymenophyllales.
4. Cyatheales, Osmundales.
5. Poylpodiales 1, Polypodiales.
6. Poylpodiales 2, Blechnales.
7. Poylpodiales 0, Pteridales.
They are very old fashioned, hate changes. Everything should stay the same forever as far as they are concerned. But they do not have the power to enforce it to their surroundings. The only thing they can do is retire in their own space and keep things the way they are. They prefer to retire in remote areas where things are as they have been for ages and they hope it will stay that way for ages.
They want to stay small and do not want to grow and become an adult with all their responsibilities.
Pride, thinking themselves to be very good, indispensable.
Orthodox, traditional, old fashioned.
Sensitive, oversensitive to criticism.
Timid, shy, in the background; difficulties in communicating.
Simple, rural people.
Their view of the world is limited, limited to that of their own family.
Lethargic, loathing life.
Strongly male, feels superior.
Aversion: change; become adult, to participate in culture and big cities; responsibilities; learning; exertion.
Fear: becoming an alcoholic; parents quarrelling, divorcing.
Weather: < sun; > shade, damp.
Food: < alcohol.
General: growth retardation; beriberi.
Nervous: epilepsy, convulsions; spams; encephalopathy; Korsakoff.
Lungs: coughs; asthma, bronchitis; pleurisy; shortness of breath.
Stomach: nausea; vomiting; painless hiccough.
Abdomen: bloated; colic; worm, tapeworm.
Rectum: incontinence.
Urinary: enuresis; urination involuntary, < stress, hurry; stress incontinence.
Skin: hair thinning; scurf.