Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.52.00 Polygalaceae
English: Milkwort family.
German: Kreuzblumengewächse.
Dutch: Vleugeltjesbloemenfamilie.
Botany: ± 17 genera; ± 1000 species; herbs, shrubs and trees; near-cosmopolitan: over half of the species are in one genus, Polygala, the milkworts.
Content: triterpenoid saponins, polygalasaponins; methyl salicylate
Polygalaceae is one of the 3 Families in Fabales in the Apg3 classification. Polygalaceae is including the families Diclidantheraceae, Moutabeaceae and Xanthophyllaceae.
In the Plant theory Polygalaceae is placed in Subphase 2.
They want to have a happy family, where everyone can enjoy life and where there is enough money. But there always seems to be something lacking, or something is going wrong. They adapt to the others, feeling they have to be supportive to let things work out well. But in the end they feel they have done too much, they have given themselves away, that others have taken advantage of them. They have overworked themselves and did not get the pleasure in life owing to demands of parents, children or spouse.
Sensation: burning, dry.
Physical: < loss of fluids, milk, sweat, saliva, diarrhoea, urine, vomit.
Energy: lack of vitality, power.
Eyes: vision disturbed.
Lungs: asthma; bronchitis; wheezing.
Chest: milk copious.
Skin: < stings of insects, snakes.