Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Sub-acute, catarrhal or paretic states; of old people or fat, chubby children. Lax tissues. Profuse, albuminous secretions. Burning in air-passages.
Headache, into eyes, > cool air. Eye-balls feel distended. Bends head backward for > diplopia, ptosis, etc. Eye-balls feel like balls of ice. Sneezes, until dizzy. Coppery taste. Dry scraping in mouth, throat and chest; < talking. Nausea. Shreddy urine. Hoarse, unsteady voice; < sexual losses. Wheezing. Emphysema. Cough, incessant; strangling, choking ends in sneezing; < lying on right side or evening. Loose rattle in chest, but the profuse, clear expectoration is tough and slips back. Blood-tinged or albuminous expectoration. Chest sore (in spots), as if bruised; shifting pains on stooping. As of a crushing weight on or weakness starting from chest. Pleuro-pneumonia.
Region: MUCOUS and serous membranes, CHEST; Eyes; Nose; Bladder; Muscles; Left side.
Worse: Air: Open; Wind; Inhaling cold; Rest; Pressure; Touch; Looking fixedly.
Better: Motion; in open air; Bending head back.