Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
663.63.00 Plumbaginaceae
English: Leadwort family; Plumbago family.
Dutch: Strandkruidfamilie.
Botany: cosmopolitan, perennial herbaceous, salt-rich steppes, marshes, sea coasts; grows on poor soil with Calcium, dunes.
DD: Stage 14, Lead; Natrium, Chlorine, Sulphur, Calcium, Lanthanides; Primulaceae; Plantaginaceae.
Content: plumbagin, naphtoquinone.
In their youth they have to put their own desires and ideas aside, mostly due to their mother who needs to be protected against their father or who is ill and needs attention. Their mother can be hysterical, psychologically disturbed, accusing others of her own mistakes, asking help and threatening with departure or suicide when her needs are not fulfilled.
This leads to a state where they have to suppress their own will. They become powerless and forgetful. School results go down.
They feel they are not seen as if neglected, as if they do not exist. They do not take much space and thus people easily forget them, walk over them.
They have a tendency to appear as if they are in control but inside there is lack of space for themselves.
They feel they have to give up their own life, their own way of thinking in order to please others. They hate that they have to be dependent on others and that they have to please them in order to be accepted or seen.
The basic sensation is being limited. They feel that there is no room for them, that they have to give in to others. They are closed, holding themselves in, suppressing and even forgetting what their own emotions are and were.
Not being allowed to follow emotions, love.
Intellectual defense.
Unmarried; old spinsters; nuns.
Held in, limited, limiting, tight; dry, rigid, stiff; strict education.
Dogmatic, religious rigid, Protestant, stiff, purist, fixed ideas, superstitious.
Helping, not warm; obedient; hierarchical.
Defensive, suspicious, closed, giving little.
Saving, difficulty to spend on themselves, < not being worth it.
Lack of confidence, identity.
Fear: flipping out in acts and love; imprisoned, limited, exiled.
Sensation: limited, shrunken, contraction, tight; short muscles and tendons.
Desire: salt.
Nervous: multiple sclerosis.
Nose: sneezing.
Heart: weakness.
Abdomen: pains, spastic colon; stitching in spleen.
Rectum: constipation.
Female: dysmenorrhoea; infertility.
Back: backache, dorsal, hunchback.
Limbs: heavy, weak; fibromyalgia, pain at the tendons, periosteum; stiff, awkward motions.
Skin: purple; vesicles.