Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.08 Plectranthus fruticosus
They work very hard, doing a lot for friends and friendships to keep them going. They have a tendency to give themselves away.
Dreams: confused, unremembered.
Sensation: bruised; stitching.
Type: right side.
Weather: > open air; < warmth of stove; > applications of ice.
Sweat: right foot, both hands; scalp.
Time: sudden.
Desire: drinks, great thirst.
Food: < food, drink, eating.
Sleep: drowsy; falling asleep easy; wakes often, troubled, < dreams.
Physical: < chewing, swallowing; < motion, < moving head; < turning body; >< urinating; > belching, belching.
Energy: lassitude, heaviness, weakness, weariness, prostration, exhaustion.
Nervous: spastic paralysis.
Head: confused, heavy, dull; headache, swashing, throbbing, temples, vertex, < chewing, swallowing, < motion, moving head, turning body, < urination, < warmth of stove, > application of ice, > belching; pain pressing occiput, < lying on back, < outdoors.
Eyes: yellow; vision flickering.
Ears: roaring; sticking, stitches; disagreeable tickling, > frequent hawking.
Nose: dry, < morning; catarrh, sneezing, obstruction; tenacious yellow mucus.
Mouth: swelling; pain, right jaw-joint, difficulty of opening; toothache; cool, then burning at root of tongue and palate; dry; lips dry, burning.
Face: swelling; pain, drawing, sensitive, right cheek, infra-orbital region, extending to last upper molars, with fever.
Throat: dry; a morsel stuck, < swallowing; scraping, stitches; tension, < drinking; acute pressure, burning, < swallowing, swelling; dysphagia.
Lungs: arresting breath; inspiration painful.
Heart: pulse hard, full, < fever.
Chest: tension; burning at sternoclavicular joint; stitches, right pectoralis major, between right fourth and fifth ribs; pain violent, needles sticking, in right chest, extends up to right scapula and nape.
Stomach: cold, > open air; burning; pressure, heavy weight, < eating; belching frequent, empty; hiccough; nausea, vomiting, sudden, gushing.
Abdomen: cold, > open air; rumbling; pains about the navel; pain contracting, cutting, violent griping, crawling, umbilical, < eating; rumbling; drawing sticking in left groin.
Rectum: pain pressing, dragging, griping; stool profuse, thin, dark, frothy, white mucus, black, pasty, yellowish brown, watery, mixed with mucus, pasty then liquid, bluish nodular; pain burning, ineffectual straining, > scratching; round worms.
Urinary: bladder pressure; urine dark with reddish-yellow sediment.
Male: pain, drawing sticking along right side of penis and urethra; violent erection.
Back: stiff; pain pressing, tension, drawing, nape, < motion of the head.
Limbs: paralytic pain, joints, left shoulder; cramps; air were piercing the marrow; pain stitching, sticking, paralytic drawing, joints; paralysis in joints of fingers and toes, upper limbs, right shoulder, wrist, suddenly appearing and disappearing; lameness, sprained feeling, weariness, shaking, drawing tearing in right shoulder.
Skin: prickling in left palm.