In the Plant theory the Plant Kingdom is divided into 6 Phyla. The Phyla correspond with the Series of the Periodic system.
Phyla and Series
1. Hydrogen: Archaeoplastidae: algae.
2. Carbon: Viridiplantae; green algae.
3. Silicon: Bryophyta, mosses.
4. Iron: Pteridophyta, ferns.
5. Silver: Gymnospermae, pines.
6. Gold: Angiospermae, flowering plants.
The 6 Phyla are the same as in existing taxonomies. The naming of the Phyla can give rise to confusion. For instance Archaeplastidae is normally used in the broad sense for the whole Plant kingdom. In the Plant theory the name is used in restricted sense, for the Archaeplastidae minus the Viridiplantae. There is no good name for restricted Archaeplastidae, as the clade is polyphyletic.
The same is true for other Phyla. Tracheophyta is a name for Ferns, Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta and Magnoliophyta. Tracheophyta is used in the Plant theory in a restricted sense, for only Pteridophyta and Lycopodiaphyta. The restricted Tracheophyta is polyphyletic.
Phylum, Division
1. Archaeoplastidae: plants: one cellular.
2. Viridiplantae: green plants.
3. Embryophyta: land plants: non-vascular plants, Bryophyta.
4. Tracheophyta: vascular plants: spore plants: Pteridophyta and Lycopodiaphyta.
5. Spermatophyta: seed prducing plants: Gymnospermae.
6. Magnoliophyta: flowering plants: Angiospermae.
In other taxonomies more Phyla are recognised.
The numbers at the start signify in which Phyla they are included in the Plant theory.
3. Anthocerotophyta: Flower-horn plants; Hornworts; Horn-shaped sporophytes, no vascular system
3. Bryophyta: Moss plants; Mosses; Persistent unbranched sporophytes, no vascular system
3. Marchantiophyta: Marchantia plants; Liverworts; Ephemeral unbranched sporophytes, no vascular system
4. Lycopodiopsida: Wolf foot plants; Clubmosses & Spikemosses Microphyll leaves, vascular system
4. Pteridophyta: Fern plants; Ferns & Horsetails; Prothallus gametophytes, vascular system
5. Pteridospermatophyta: Fern with seeds plant; Seed ferns; Only known from fossils, mostly Devonian, ranking in dispute.
5. Coniferophyta: Sap/pitch plants; Conifers; Cones containing seeds and wood composed of tracheids
5. Cycadophyta: Palm plants; Cycads; Seeds, crown of compound leaves
5. Ginkgophyta: Ginkgo plants; Ginkgo, Maidenhair; Seeds not protected by fruit (single species)
5. Gnetophyta; Gnetophytes; Seeds and woody vascular system with vessels
6. Anthophyta: Magnoliophyta, Flower plant, Flowering plants; Flowers and fruit, vascular system with vessels
The phyla can be connected to the age of the patient. It is similar to that of the series but not equal. The first 5 phyla are connected to early age, before about 6 years old.
1. Hydrogen: Archaeplastidae: foetus.
2. Carbon: Viridiplantae: baby.
3. Silicon: Bryophyta: pre school child.
4. Iron: Pteridophyta: toddler, 3-4 years; urination and stool clean.
5. Silver: Gymnospermae: 4-5 years; imprinting the child opinions.
6. Gold: Angiospermae: older than 6 years.
Botany: plants always keep growing; they have contact and communication with each other.