Jan Scholten
Piper guineense
Synonyms: Cubeba clusii; Piper clusii; Piper famechonii; Piper laurentii; Piper leonense.
English: Uziza pepper; Ashanti pepper; Benin pepper; Guinea pepper; False cubeb: Guinea cubeb.
Names: Uziza; Kale; Kukauabe; Masoro; Sasema,; Soro wisa.
Content: dillapiol, piperine, elemicine, myristicine, safrole; flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils, tannins, saponins, peptides, phenols; essential oils.
Region: West Africa, Senegal to southern Sudan, south to DR Congo, Zambia and Tanzania.
Use: medicinal; insecticidal; culinary, dietary, fruits dried as a spice, milder Piper nigrum, flavouring soups, rice, foods; chewed with Areca catechu as a substitute for Piper betle; ash as a salt substitute; roots as chew sticks for cleaning the teeth; aphrodisiac.
Taxonomy: closely related to long pepper, cubeb pepper and black pepper.
Botany: evergreen climbing shrub, supports itself by means of adventitious root; woody stems from 4 - 20 metres tall; habitat evergreen rain-forest, forest edges, wet places, gallery forest, along rocky rivers; 750 - 1650 metres; dioecious.
Anyanwu C. U. and Nwosu G. C. (2014), Assessment of the antimicrobial activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Piper guineense leaves, Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, Vol. 8(10), pp. 337-439.
Ashok K. and Upadhyaya K. (2012), Tannins are Astringent, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phyto‐ chemistry, IC Journal, Issue 3, Vol. 1, p.49.
Dada A. A., Ifesan B. O. T. and Fashakin J. F. (2013), Antimicrobial And Antioxidant Properties Of Selected Local Spices Used In “Kunun” Beverage In Nigeria, Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Alignment, issue 12, vol. 4, p.374.
Kareem K. T., Kareem S. O., Adeyemo O. J. and Egberongbe R. K. (2010), In vitro antimicrobial properties of Bridelia ferruginea on some clinical isolates, Agric. Biol. Journal of North America, issue 1, vol. 3, pp. 418-419.
Mamta Saxena M., Saxena J., Nema R., Singh D. and Gupta A. (2013), Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol. 1, Issue 6, p.177.
Nwachukwu C. U., Ume N. C., Obasi M. N., Nzewuihe G. U. and Onyirioha C. (2010), The Qualita‐ tive Uses Of Some Medicinal Plants In Ikeduru L.G.A Of Imo State, Nigeria, New York Science Journal, issue 3, vol.11, p.132.
Pal D. and Verma P. (2013), Flavonoids: A Powerful And Abundant Source Of Antioxidants, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 3, p.97.
Sumathykutty MA, Rao JM, Padmakumari KP, Narayanan CS (1999), Essential Oil Constituents Of Some Piper Species, Flavors Fragr. Journal, issue 14, pp. 280-281.
African Flowering Plants Database;; Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques.
Cornucopia II; Facciola. S.; Kampong Publications, California; 1998; ISBN; 0-9628087-2-5
Mansfeld's Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Plants;
The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa; Burkil. H. M.; Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew; 1985 - 2004.
Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania; Ruffo, C.K.: Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B.; Regional Land Management Unit; Nairobi; 2002; ISBN 9966-896-60-0.