Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.55.02 Phaseolus vulgaris, Phaseolus nanus
Names: Phaseolus (= little boat) nanus.
English: Common bean; Kidney bean; White bean; Pole bean; String bean.
German: Schminkbohne.
French: Haricot.
Dutch: Gewone boon.
Source: Boericke, Clarke, Demeures, Cushing, W. Dale, Heinrich Ramm.
Content: magnesium; sulphur; nickel; copper; zinc; selenium; molybdenum; lead.
Independent, doing it alone.
Worn-out business man.
Could only be roused by speaking loudly.
Fear: death, < irregular action of heart.
Dreams: active and funny ones, like jumping with a parachute from a mountain or acting in a movie. As a child she had recurrent dreams of going to the woods with her family and then a witch came to eat them.
Sweat: cold.
Desire: food, sudden appetite.
Sleep: sleep, comatose, > speaking loudly.
Energy: weakness, exhaustion, worn out business man.
Head: headache, fullness in the brain, over right orbit, < movement of the head, mental exertion, reading or writing, < pressure.
Eyes: sore eyeballs, scalding, as from a blow, < touch; pupils dilated, insensible to light; smart itching in inner canthi.
Face: expressed suffering.
Lungs: breathing slow, sighing; pleurisy.
Heart: failure; fluttering; palpitation, pulse slow, rapid, throbbing, irregular, weak, extinct; mitral valve disease; pericarditis.
Chest: pain, right rib; effusion pleural cavity, pericardium, hydrothorax; breast, tumours.
Abdomen: pain epigastrium, < pressure, > drawing up legs, liver problems; peritoneum effusion; diabetes; pain like hernia in right inguinal ring.
Urinary: kidney complaints; dropsy; urine with albumen, gravel, stones, uric acid, blood; urethra problems; pyelitis, bladder catarrh.
Male: impotence; prostate, diseases, enlargement.
Limbs: pain right humerus; gout.
Skin: wounds, punctured.