Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.46.15 Petasites pyrenaicus, Tussilago fragrans (= hat with a broad rim, fragrant)
English: Italian Tussilage, Fragrant Tussilage.
French: Petasite.
Need for integrity, integrating all aspects of themselves.
Ailments from physical intrusions like wounds, injuries, beatings, operations, vaccinations, drugs.
Ailments from mental intrusions, domination, humiliation, rape, incest.
Confident of success.
Contended; satisfied with everything; pleased; serenity of disposition; benevolence of language; discussions with calmness, while making use of the most appropriate expressions; refined; entering discussions without hesitation, being confident of success beforehand.
Censorious, critical, fault finding; complaining mood, finding fault with everything, making spiteful remarks, astonished that others are offended.
Silent for fear of offending his associates.
Disagreeable, spiteful mood; malicious, vindictive.
Tranquility, serenity, calmness: general.
Fight for influence, leaves to provoke breaks.
Delusion: lack of resistance, they need more resistance.
Weather: chilly; shivering from cold alternating heat; > mountain.
Sweat: heat of the skin, < slight exertion.
Time: < 11 am.
Sleep: sleepless, less sleep needed.
General: obesity; plethora, corpulent; haemorrhages, ecchymosis.
Fever: influenza.
Head: headache, like a stupefaction, intoxication, as after abuse of spirituous liquors.
Eyes: dryness, < looking about in the open air, forcing them to wink often.
Nose: hayfever; frontal sinusitis.
Throat: acidity in the oesophagus, like heartburn, ceasing entirely after dinner.
Lungs: cough whooping, sputum continuing; asthma, emphysema, silicosis; tuberculosis.
Stomach: pain pylorus, as if food at the bottom of the cardia morsel which will not pass down.
Abdomen: liver problems.
Female: menses copious; miscarriage; gonorrhoea.
Rectum: diarrhoea, dysentery.
Limbs: weak legs; pain from side to side in the tarsus, between that and the metatarsus of the left foot, when walking; this pain does not last long but returns often; pain in the metatarsal joint, as if caused by a blow.
Skin: wounds; injuries; ulcers; erysipelas.