Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.44.16 Paullinia pinnata
English: Timbo; Supple jack; Bejuco de costilla; Bread and cheese; Guaratimbo, Timbo-sipo, Cururu-ape.
French: guarana.
Content: tannins; saponins; flavonoids; inositol derivates, quebrachitol.
Being abused culturally, for instance as a woman in a Chinese culture.
Brilliant history is forgotten.
Loss of power, lost self-esteem; melancholy.
Walk, walking: desire to. Work: aversion to mental.
Ennui, boredom, constant, profound.
Fear: consumption.
Delusions, imaginations: spectres, ghosts, spirits, sees.
Dream: leper, leprous woman, with bleeding sores; wanting to open the chest and look into it; mangy dog covered with sores bites her; dead people; disease; disgusting.
Sensation: lancinating, stitching, pressing, constricting pains as with iron bands or with iron plates.
Physical: < motion, < inspiration, < going upstairs, < stool, < stooping, < stretching.
Weather: > open air.
Desire: coffee ! fruit; dainties, food.
Aversion: food, the sight of.
Sleep: restless, < on waking.
Physical: desire to walk, to lie down.
Energy: general lassitude.
Vertigo: dizziness; head falls forward; staggering gait.
Head: headache, pain in the middle of the head, as if a nail were driven in, < motion, < inspiration, > open air, > friction.
Mouth: tongue rough, swollen, feels thick as a finger.
Chest: burning; sensation as if opened on drawing a breath; pressure as from an iron band around the waist.
Stomach: stone, < talking; nausea < walking.
Abdomen: pain, as from a tight cord, around the hypochondria; internal trembling in the umbilical region and left hypochondrium; pain hepatic region.
Urinary: frequent, ineffectual urging; pain, < urination.
Limbs: pains joints, bruised, > lie down; rigour, < rising in the morning; numb arms; stiff legs, pain under foot, as if going backward, < walking.
Skin: eruption of red patches on the face and chest.