Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
643.13.03 Paranomus reflexus
English: Van Staden’s Sceptre.
Source: Sense provings.
The situation is of someone in a vulnerable position, lacking the power to withstand stronger people. But his desire to expand can be given form by multiplying himself. It is like the Catholic Church: go forth and multiply. The strength of numbers.
The chained mother !!
Go forth and multiply.
The multitude providing nourishment for the whole.
Feeling trapped, stuck, caught, rigid but then there is a growth outward, reaching to the outside, to the light.
Polarity, opposites, caught and free, old and young, dark and light, big and small, happy and sad, light and heavy, light and dark, beautiful and ugly.
Hazy, light, fine, blowing in the wind, exuberance.
Soft, moist, gentle, safe, spiky, soft, tender.
Exuberance, bursting forth, reaching out in many directions; strong centre, active, alive; eager, urgency.
Stay away, at arms length, from my soft spot.
Theme: open, freedom, wild, self expression, exciting, warm hearted.
Careful touch.
Sad, overwhelming tearful, deep in pit of stomach, suffocating, withdrawing, moving away.
Feeling more distant, less clear, going out of focus, what seemed to have clear, strong structures then looked irregular and more chaotic.
Feeding, luring.
Cramp, pulled to the centre.
Busy, frantic, running, high energy, panic.
Feeling of being attacked, brittle, broken, vulnerable.
Reflecting the sun, power, gives the sun power.
Sad, despondent, pushed down, isolation, grieving with tears, sadness for the world, for nature like something to do with climate change.
Renewal; start over after being burned down.
Water seen waving, glistening.
Tentacles trapping, snapping, breaking.
Anxious, trembling; vulnerable.
Sensation: tight, heavy, caught; free.
Vertigo: dizzy, light-headed; floating gently but tied.
Head: tight occiput, floating; pushed down; buzzing in left head; prickly, left side of neck; right side feels bigger than the left, temples and right eye.
Eyes: stinging feeling under right eye; flutter, smart, dazzled.
Nose: smell woody; stringy, sticky mucous.
Mouth: buzzing, upper lips; taste sour, bitter, green taste; lip tingling, upper, larger.
Heart: heavy; oppression; stitching at heart; beating with anticipation.
Chest: panic and anxiety; pain, piercing, left nipple.
Stomach: sinking.
Abdomen: breath; movement, small intestine; something alive.
Back: tight neck.
Limbs: tingling, left-hand, thumb, index, third finger; heaviness, legs, calves, knees, right side; cramping or crawling in toes; legs heavy and tingling; grasping hands.