Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.55.00 Papilionoideae
Names: Faboideae.
DD: Malpighiales; Ericaceae.
Botany: 470 genera; 14000 species, cosmopolitan; flowers zygomorphic; leaves mostly pinnately compound or trifioliate.
Content: lectins, producing leaking intestines; flavonoides; fytoalexine, pisatin, faseollin; saponines; cardenolide; aminoacids, carnitin, N-oxalyl-diaminobutyric acid, 2-4-diaminopropionic acid, 3-cyanoalanin, 3-aminopropionnitril; chinolizidine alkaloids.
Use: food; fuel; fibre; fragrance, perfume.
Papilionoideae is one of the three subfamilies of Fabaceae, together with Mimosoideae and Ceasalpinoideaea. The majority of Fabaceae known in homeopathy are Papilionoideae.
In the Plant theory the subfamilies will be treated separately. In most classifcations Fabaceae is treated as one family. It is one of the biggest families with about 20000 species.
In the Plant theory Mimosoideae, Ceasalpinoideaea and Papilionoideae will be treated separately. Papilionoideae is placed in Subphase 5.
Central is the idea that there is more to life than work. They feel as if they are living for work but they would like to work to live. They can work very hard and they often do so for a long time. But in the end it should result in relaxation, in enjoying life. They want to do much for their family, friends and the community to make everybody happy, but there should be an end to it, it should have results.
They prefer to enjoy life more, instead of working all the time. The two sides of duty and enjoyment can be so much opposite that it feels as a split, a kind of schizophrenia. Often they cannot find a solution in their mind as their sense of duty is too strong to do nothing. On the other hand their desire to enjoy life and be happy doing nothing is so strong that they cannot just work. They feel limited, bound which expresses itself as a feeling of congestion, compression. The dilemma can become somatised. They cannot work anymore due to paralysis or chronic fatigue. It forms the excuse to do nothing and still be within the norms of duty. But the paralysis forms again a theme of being limited.
It can easily happen that they get exhausted, get abused. Then they get an aversion to working, going on. They can get a physical exhaustion, in the most extreme form chronic fatigue syndrome. Then they cannot and do not want to anything anymore.
There is a fear of poverty, of not having enough to fulfil the needs. Beans are often seen as the food for the poor people, it fills the stomach and costs little. This is expressed in the Dutch sayings “hunger makes raw beans taste sweet” and the use as food in the army.
They like to enjoy life but have the feeling that their resources are exhausted. There is a desire for a simple enjoyable life, without much trouble and complications. They want to live in a beautiful, clean and natural surrounding but do not want the dirt of nature or the work to make things beautiful. They have a desire for help but have the feeling that nobody will help them, that they are an outcast, the scapegoat or persecuted. The complaints often start after mononucleosis, also called “kissing disease”.
They have a desire for freedom, for lightness and an aversion to the heaviness, duty and problems of life. They want to do pleasurable things. They like nature, natural things and environments. “Full of beans” means lively, jumpy. Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a plate of lentils.
They can be joyous in order to get what they need.
They have the feeling that they have to work hard for their living, they really have to earn their living. We see this reflected in the Dutch saying “One has to shell one’s own peas”. They are perfectionists in their work. They want to do things very good. This often leads to working harder than they really can. They do things that exceed their power.
Often they are teachers. It is a job that gives them a secure income and long holidays.
Serious dry
The opposite of enjoyment is seriousness. In the later stages they often are very serious and dry. They miss humour and playfulness, lack “joie de vivre”, joy. Things do not go smoothly anymore, it is as if they lack lubricant.
This is often the consequence of lack of money, love, freedom, mother love and all the pleasant things in life.
Their dipole is duty versus pleasure, but they cannot bring them into balance. That leads to their feeling of being split, a symptom which is very well known for Baptisia, who can feel himself split into thousands of pieces. The theme of split is also present in the characteristic fruits of this family. The beans, peas and peanuts are all fruits that are formed double and in a row.
They often have the feeling that they cannot cope with the problems. The problems are too big for their power. It is like the Calimero effect. In English one calls something little “it is peanuts”.
Moral Justice
There is a kind of moral problem. They have the feeling that they have to be innocent, like a “holy bean”. They have the feeling that they will not get something for nothing. They think they will be punished for their mistakes. A Dutch saying is “beans as wages” meaning that one cannot avoid the result of ones own actions. Or that they will be punished with bullets, “blue beans”.
Jacob’s ladder is a ladder grown out of a bean leading to heaven.
They have the tendency to exhaust themselves, both mentally and physically. The mental exhaustion leads to difficulties in thinking and concentration. In the end they feel completely confused. A Dutch saying for making all kinds of errors is “Being in the beans”. ”Walking in the beans” means getting lost. And of course most people will know the comic “Mr Bean”, who makes all kinds of stupid mistakes. Mentally they lack energy and ambition, leading to dullness, confusion, mistakes, forgetfulness, absentmindedness, weak memory, indifference and apathy.
The reverse of the confusion is alertness. This is often the case in the beginning stages of the problem. This is also expressed in saying “Knowing how many beans make five”.
Determined, resolute.
Industrious, working, overwork, active, mobile.
Enthusiast, lively.
Ailments from hardship, ordeal, stagnation, collapse.
Poverty, starvation, malnutrition.
Indifference, lethargy, lazy, sluggish, aversion work: weak, lame, paralysis.
Splitting, falling apart, scattering, dispersed, disintegration.
Take care of your own beans, meaning business.
Holy bean, meaning saint.
Sensitive: touch, weather.
Disappointment, critical; lamenting; insulting, jealous.
Jack in the beanstalk.
Serious, dry, boring.
Confusion; being in the beans, meaning confusion, dream world.
Indifference, lack of energy and ambition, exhausted.
Sensitive, touch and weather.
Profession: teachers; monks.
Desire: work, achievements; enjoyment, dance, music, relaxation, love, eroticism, good food; sleep.
Desire to have a big family, many children.
Aversion: work.
Confusion, dull, indolence, absent minded, concentration difficult.
Excitement, cheerful, exhilaration.
Ailments from grief, sorrow, humiliation, overwork.
Fear: future; death, health, disease, heart, pain; insanity; ghosts; poverty, not having enough to fulfil the needs; hunger makes raw beans sweet.
Delusion: split, double; pursued, by police, enemies.
Dream: amorous; animals, horse, spider, snake; journey; murder; quarrel.
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, also called myalgic encephalitis is a very strong syndrome. The lack of energy is outstanding, even after a little exertion they have to lie down again. These problems often start after a period of sickness with slight fever and much fatigue, like mononucleosis.
With the Fabaceae this fatigue probably has to do with amino-acids. It is known that many of that family have strange amino-acids in them and when they are not digested and build into the proteins in the body, the proteins can stop functioning. Evidence for this is the fact that carnitine, an amino-acid, is known in orthomolecular medicine to have a beneficial effect on ME.
Type: big, stout.
Sensation: dry; congestion; constriction; bursting; split, separated.
Weather: < wet cloudy weather !, mouldy surroundings; chilly, desire sun; > warm bath; > open air; < draught.
Desire: peas, beans, lentils, cheese, fish, meat, fat.
Aversion: peas, beans, lentils; cheese.
Food: < peas, beans, lentils; < cheese.
Sleep: desire much sleep, unrefreshed, never enough; sleepless.
Physical: < motion; > lying; < stooping, > stretching; > urination.
Energy: exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, ME; favism; lathyrism; locoism.
Infection: fungi; mononucleosis.
Nervous: paralysis, poliomyelitis, reflexes diminished; senses diminished, numb; multiple sclerosis; lack of strength and power; epilepsy.
Vertigo: falling forwards, as if drunk, < alcohol, < walking.
Head: headache, congesting, constricting, pulsating, throbbing, pressing, < motion, >< pressure, > bandage; meningitis
Eyes: heavy; inflammation; ! glaucoma; pain sore bruised, < reading.
Nose: coryza; obstruction.
Throat: tonsillitis; pharyngitis; diphtheria.
Heart: pulse fast, slow, irregular, intermittent, fluttering; ! hemolytic anaemia.
Stomach: full; belching; nausea; vomiting, undigested, bitter; indigestion, trypsin inhibition.
Abdomen: ! fullness, bloated, rumbling, belching, flatus; fungal infections; pancreas problems; diabetes.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea, typhus; prolapse; stool soft, offensive; flatus, offensive.
Urinary: cystitis.
Female: menses painful; leucorrhoea.
Limbs: arthritis, knee, ankle; feet.
Skin: eruptions, pimples, face, ears.