Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.17.00 Papaveraceae
English: Poppy family.
This family is placed in Phase 7, as they have the theme of being powerless and rejected, like a slave.
They feel like an outsider and weakling in the community, or they have a tendency to stand up for the weak and rejected, the powerless and poor. They try to get support from social groups, churches, religions and associations. It is the environment of associations where everyone is accepted and helped to have the minimum for survival. They can work for institutions such as the church or the Salvation Army. They have a religious tendency, revering God, or searching for protection by God. They have the religious desire to spread love in the world, to reduce the pain of others. Karl Marx called religion “the opium for the people”. It is a kind of childish religious attitude, where God is felt as a father, a protector.
They feel in the position of a slave. They have to obey, work for the owner, do what he says. They even have to endure hardships, being beaten and ultimately they can even be killed. The best way is not to react, as every reaction can provoke more anger and rage. Weeping and lamenting can induce even more anger. The best is not to feel the pain, go out of the body.
They can feel like lying on a battlefield after their own group has lost the battle. The enemy comes to see who is still alive and has to be killed. They prod the bodies to see if they are dead. The best way for survival is to behave as though dead, not reacting to any outward stimulus. The body can even react as if dead, letting urine and stool go, having death spots, flabby or rigid.
The basic feeling is that of a slave. They feel as if they do not have any power, that they cannot change the situation. They feel handed over. They feel powerless, weak and soft. Physically this can go into paralysis. It is the expression of a slave that who has no power. Their senses are very acute. One can imagine a slave who has to be very attentive to predict the mood of his master. The tiniest details can be of importance.
This feeling of being a slave is expressed very much in addictions. They can be addicted to drugs, work, sex, gambling. And it goes together with the feeling that they cannot fight it, that they do not have any power.
Raw dangerous world
They see the world as a dangerous place with all kinds of threats. They have this in common with the Ranunculaceae. For both, the world is a dangerous place with a lot of threats. They feel anxious and frightened easily. They live in a world that looks like war; all the time something terrible can happen. They often have the feeling that they have to fight, not of their own will but like soldiers who are under orders. They feel like cannon fodder.
This feeling of a dangerous world can be increased after the loss of relatives, especially parents. Then they feel alone in the world, without protection.
Typical is the numbness, the lack of feeling. This can go into stupor, sopor and even coma. They do not want to feel the world anymore because it is dangerous and horrible. This is even more so because they cannot change it.
Ailments from fright, shock, war, battlefields.
Intellectually the numbness goes into dullness, confusion and memory disturbances.
Concentration difficult, prostration of mind, indolence.
Dull, sluggishness, thinking difficult, thoughts vanishing.
Confusion of mind.
Memory weak, lost; forgetful.
Stupefaction, intoxicated, syncope, stupor, torpor, unconscious, coma.
Delirium < night, < fever; raging, raving; mania, madness, muttering, gesturing.
Senses dull; numb; acute, oversensitive, < noise.
Delusions, imaginations of senses.
Feel powerless, hopeless.
Fright gives stiffness, fainting, numbness, paralysis.
Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness; vivacious.
Mirth, hilarity, excitement, exhilaration, hysteria.
Mood; changeable, variable.
Tranquility, serenity, calmness, taciturnity, indifference.
Sad, weepy.
Anxiety; fright, sad, startling < sleep, despair, suicidal.
They can be deceitful, they lie easily. They do it as easily to others as to themselves.
Sensation: numbness, anaesthesia, coma; formication, itching; raw, constricting.
Weather: cold, chilly; heat; < open air.
Sweat: cold, profuse.
Desire: drinks, beer, alcohol, spices.
Aversion: food, meat.
Food: < alcohol, > coffee.
Sleep: deep, comatose, semi-conscious; sleepy, yawning; light, disturbed, restless, waking frequent; sleepless; narcolepsy.
Physical: <<- motion, < exertion, < rising; > lying, > sitting, > rest, < respiration.
Discharge: copious, scanty.
Nervous: chorea, jerking, trembling, twitching, paralysis; analgesia, anaesthesia; narcolepsy, fainting; catalepsy; coma.
Head: headache heavy, pulsating; < morning, < waking; + vomiting.
Vertigo: objects turn in a circle, < rising.
Eyes: red, inflamed; burning, smarting, biting; sunken; vision foggy, diminished; blindness acute; colours; pupils narrow, contracted; dilated.
Ears: hearing too much, noises, ringing, roaring, singing; diminished, impaired; acute.
Nose: coryza; discharge; with, fluent, dry; itching, crawling and tickling; smell wanting, lost.
Face: bluish, pale, red, dark red; pain; dry, heat; itching.
Mouth: red, dry; salivation; tongue red, dry, burning, raw, smarting; taste: bitter; diminished.
Throat: dry, sore, burning, raw, sore, < swallowing; swelling, inflamed; scraping, choking; larynx tickling in the air passages; hoarse.
Lungs: asthmatic, difficult, rattling, deep; cough dry, paroxysmal, exhausting, whooping < tickling in larynx; expectoration mucous, purulent, viscid, thick; inflamed, croup, oppression.
Chest: constriction, tension, tightness, heat; pain drawing, pressing, stitching; behind sternum; sides.
Heart: cyanosis; heart tumultuous, violent; pulse fast, full, hard, strong, irregular, weak, slow, small soft.
Stomach: cramping, griping, sore, bruised, beaten, constriction, distension, empty, weak, gone, sinking, faintness, hungry; belching empty, heartburn, retching, nausea; gagging; vomiting of bile, food, mucus; < pregnancy.
Abdomen: distension, inflamed; colic, gallstones, cramping, griping, sore, bruised.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea, flatus; itching; stool knotty, lumpy; soft; bloody.
Urinary: bladder paralysis, inflamed kidneys; urination painful; urge constant; urine profuse, scanty; sugar.
Male: erections troublesome; emissions; desire increased.
Female: menses painful, suppressed.
Back: aching, stiff; cervical, dorsal, scapulae, lumbar.
Limbs: pains drawing, stiff; blue, red; hands and feet: cold, heat, formication, numb.
Skin: eruptions, urticaria, itching.
Ranunculaceae: they share the idea of a dangerous world; both families have generally quite soft, fragile plants; the theme of the slave is typical for the Papaveraceae; for the Ranunculaceae the theme of "alone" is more important.
Noble gases: anaesthesia and euphoria is common; more absent.