Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Negative, torpid states; but little pain, secretion or reaction. Paralysis; painless; of brain, tongue, bowels, lungs, etc. Tremor. Twitchings; during sleep. Convulsions. Epilepsy, in sleep. Internal dryness. Hot, head; sweat; bed seems, hunts a cold place, etc. Stupid sleep, spasms, violent chills, etc., during.
PLACID; says nothing ails him. Dreamy. Sluggish. Dull. Stupid. No will power. Lying. Fears; after fright. Delirium; with terror; alcoholic. Wants to go home. Carphology. Cerebral congestion; intercurrent; apoplectic. Heavy occiput. Visual hallucinations. Inactive pupils. Red, bulging, staring eyes. Dark, turgid, sweaty or hot red face or red and pale alternatly. Old look; after cholera infantum. Mouth twitches or hangs open. Cravings, without appetite. Vomiting; in peritonitis. As of a weight in abdomen. Bowels feel obstructed. Paralytic atony of bowels and bladder; after laparotomy. Hard tympany. Colic; lead. Stools of hard, black balls. Constipation. Bloody mucus oozes from open anus. Retained urine. Lively foetal motions. Rattling, unequal breathing. Sighing. Snoring. Stertor. Tickling cough. Pneumonia. Weak heart. Crawlings here and there. General itching. Skin rough and dirty. Painless ulcers. Tired and sleepless; drunkards. SOMNOLENCY. Heavy, stupid sleep; of the aged. Full, slow pulse (Dig.). Hot, sweaty (Samb.) and drowsy; with cold limbs. Sweaty, without relief.
Region: MIND; SENSES; NERVES, Brain; Cerebro-spinal; Sympathetic; Lungs; Respiration; Digestive tract.
Worse: EMOTIONS; FEAR; Fright; Joy; Odors; ALCOHOL; Sleep; Suppressed discharges; Receding eruptions; If heated.
Better: Cold; Uncovering.