Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.42.09 Panicum paludosum, Andropogon squarrosum, Anantherum muricatum
Names: Andropogon muricatus; Andropogon squarrosus.
English: Cuscus grass.
French: Vetiver, Viti-vayr.
Source: Klein.
Grotesque, making themselves look ugly to attract attention; like punk or Goths, with piercings.
Fear of being tamed, made to be normal.
Connection with others, funny.
Contrary, fighting opposition.
Jealous, suspicious.
Desire to travel.
Smiles a lot, self-satisfied.
Sexual desire very high, alternating with very low; < having no sex, later in marriage.
Hyperactive, clever, well organised hyperactivity.
Leader attitude, followed by other kids.
Ambitious; competitive, children competing with the parent of own sex.
Working hard to do better than others.
Anger alternating with repentance.
Desire support and care by a father figure.
Dreams: climbing mountains, swaying trees; travelling, meeting people, feeling the environment, smelling, flying.
Dreams: sad; day's business; disagreeable; falling, a frightful height; anxious, frightful; journeys; disputes, quarrels, strife.
Dreams: pleasures, enjoyments, joyous festival, feasting.
Colour desire: black; 1C.
Sensation: rasping, compressing.
Weather: flushes of heat, < sleep; < cold, < cool air; < changes of weather; damp weather; < heat.
Sweat: foot, offensive.
Desire: tomatoes; salted; spicy, pungent; cold water; strong liquors; cider; sour drinks; strong odours; garlic; laurel; sweet basis; burning, unquenchable thirst; food, intense hunger.
Aversion: insipid; watery; sweet; flat taste; too salted or over seasoned; food, anorexia.
Food: >< coffee; > aromatic drinks.
Physical: < motion.
General: painful swelling of various parts; suppuration; glandular inflammation.
Vertigo: frequent fainting, especially after eating or drinking.
Nervous: cramps, spasms; tetanus, drawing head backwards; eclamptic convulsions, involuntary movements, chorea.
Head: pain piercing, brain, like pointed arrows; < afternoon; herpes, ulcers and tumours on scalp.
Face: wart like growth on eyebrows; boils and tumours on tip of nose.
Mouth: aphthae, recurrent; toothache, < wine, < coffee, < cool air; tongue fissured, cut on edges; copious salivation.
Throat: spasm.
Lungs: asthma, allergic; cough, bronchitis; obstinate, convulsive hiccough.
Chest: contraction.
Stomach: contraction; obstinate and painful belching, < vegetables.
Urinary: constant urging; urine turbid, thick, full of mucus; urination involuntary; cystitis; enuresis.
Male: chancre-like sores.
Female: menses irregular, frequent, painful, suppression, copious, bright or light-coloured, retarded, dark, thick; leucorrhoea, foetid; eruption vulva, labia, pustules, ulcerated, inflamed; cirrhus-like swelling of cervix; breasts swollen, indurated, nipples excoriated; pain uterus extending to kidney; uterus prolapse, swelling; pain burning, crampy, pinching, gnawing in womb, with great debility and general prostration; ovaries swelling, burning pain, atrophy; breasts swollen indurated, nipples excoriated; infertility.
Skin: pruritus; herpes; erysipelas; abscess, boils, ulcers; nails, brittle, thick, fungi, deformed.