Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.34.05 Pandanus tectorius
Names: Hala; Puhala
English: Thatch screwpine.
Spanish: Bacua.
French: Vacquois. Culture: creation myth, fertility myth, beginning of mankind; 250 billion years of material wisdom; eases a change of a chapter in one’s life; Myth: a beautiful goddess was injured when editing the pages of a hala tree, like two drops of blood fell into the sand. From; from these, two eggs, a female and a male and laid the foundations of mankind. Since then Hala is revered as a sacred tree. Eases life’s transitions, new beginnings; a change of a chapter in one’s life.
Botany: tree; leaves lance-shaped, toothed, in clusters, up to 150 cm long; palm-like; fruits, as pineapple, disintegrating on fall, green, ripen yellow and red; aerial; coastal.
Use: leaves for mats, baskets, sandals, fishing nets, sails; dye; fresh seeds eaten as bean sprouts; medicine.
Source: Christina Ari.
They are uncertain, easily discouraged. They lack the confidence to make their own decisions, they depend on the opinion of others. They are aware of the limitations of space and time, the reality of here and now. So they question their own talents, possibilities and strength. They have a desire to make friends but fear they will not be liked. They fear others will not see them as attractive and friendly. So they try to find out how others think so they can adapt to their opinions in order to be liked better.
Confusion, about what is essential, groundless, the meaning.
Lack of direction, concentration, power, vigour, diligence, strength, stability, brave, free.
Caught in himself, stagnation, motionless, unfree, unconsciously, in the Shadow World.
Addiction to others, must assimilate, adaptation, dependent on the opinion of others, trying to satisfy all.
Longing for harmony and wholeness, for recognition, for strong leaders.
Better come through meditation in motion.
Lack of creativity, energy, clarity of thought.
Lack of direction.
Uncertain, indecisive, lack of confidence, floundering, torn in two. Ungrounded.
Confusion, about what is the essence or meaning.
Concentration, power, vigour, diligence, strength, stability, brave, free.
Caught up in himself, stagnation, motionless, not free, unconsciously in the Shadow World.
Addiction to others, dependent on the opinion of others. Must assimilate this to know themselves.
Adapting, trying to satisfy everyone.
Thoughts, too much, of everyday. concerns.
Better, achieved by meditation in motion.
Discouragement, deep hurt, disappointment, guilt.
Ailments from insult and humiliation; stress, strain, overburden.
Fear: failure; demons.
Delusion: shattering into pieces; being lost.
Type: old age.
Physical: > motion; < lack of exercise.
Energy: fatigue with flaccidity.
Vertigo: feeling faint.
Ears: pricking, left.
Lungs: breathing, inhaling reinforced.
Chest: breast pain when feeding.
Stomach: heavy; burping.
Rectum: constipation.
Female: labour problems.