Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.55.11 Panax ginseng
English: Ginseng, Panax ginseng.
DD: Nitrogen, Lanthanides.
Source: Nancy Herrick; Herman Maud, IFH1993.
The main theme can be found in the change of power position. The young ones try to become powerful, get strength in order to take over the position of the old leader. They want to learn much and fast, so that they can compete with others who want to take over and become so strong and talented that they can challenge and chase the old leader. The old leader on the other hand wants to keep his position, wants to maintain his strength and talent so that he cannot be attacked. He wants to keep his position with all the advantages of having the best things and the most beautiful wives and sex with them.
They want to be big, capable, good, strong, adult. They want to be like adults, their older brothers and parents. They are often disobedient, want to go their own way. They can become very angry when they feel forced or dominated.
They have a strong vitality. They can do a lot and are very busy. As children they can be overactive, even have ADHD, they like to run, do sports and be busy. They can be impulsive. The background is that they want to learn and experience a lot so that they will become capable persons very soon.
They can also have a desire to be seen as good. They have an aversion to be taken for granted, they want people to note them and take them into consideration. They want to be the centre of attention, as a man who is seen as having achieved things. Or they can have an aversion to be in the centre of attention when they feel as not having achieved anything special.
They want to be autonomous. They have an aversion being given tasks, being dominated. As children they are often disobedient and become even angry when told what to do. They want to be in control. They can be very perfectionistic.
Ailments from deep-seated grief, weeping impossible; sense of nothingness.
Excluded from love, Divine Love.
Assertive, optimism. Energetic, flowing, vivid, industrious.
Calm, bold, courageous, ease, peace, patience, tolerance, safe.
Capable, confident, determined, self-worth, self-acceptance.
Friendly, open, communicative, expressive, mindful, clear.
Exhaustion, fatigue, tired.
Wild, chaotic, labile, emotional.
Irritable; violent.
Nervous, impatience, hurry, annoyed, moody. Worried, < criticism, guilt.
Despair, hopeless, pessimism.
Forgetful, hallucinations.
Desire for strength, power, sexual power, potency, travel.
Fear: disease, death, weakness, impotence.
Fear: seen as not serious, belittled, ridiculed, being out of control.
Dreams: vivid, lascivious, pleasant, voluptuous, very vivid, amorous, lewd.
Dream: lost husband, children, baby threatened by a snake, jumping towards a man with trust.
Sensation: constricting; lancinating, shooting.
Type: dark-complexioned with.
Weather: chilly; heat < going to sleep.
Time: < 11 pm.
Desire: sour.
Aversion: milk, sour, sauerkraut.
Physical: > leaning forward, >< sitting, < walking.
Nervous: paralysis; tabes dorsalis, locomotor ataxia.
Vertigo: dizzy, gait unsteady and difficult, reeling sensation in occiput, as if head were swaying to one side; whiplash.
Head: headache, migraine; forehead, behind eyes, temples, occipital, one-sided; bruised, pressing, cold, lancinating, pulsating; < noise, < stooping, < waking, < lying, > walking, > closing eyes.
Eyes: black, grey spots before eyes; difficult opening of eyelids; objects appear double.
Nose: sneezing; blowing his nose.
Mouth: dry tongue, saliva scanty.
Throat: tonsillitis; hoarse, cough.
Chest: constriction, heavy, cold; sharp pain lungs.
Lungs: asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, < exertion, < running; hiccough; cough < exertion, > leaning forward, >< sitting, < walking.
Heart: problems, arteriosclerosis.
Abdomen: dull, tense, sore, griping, painful, rumbling; lancinating pains in epigastrium; stinging pain, swelling, loud gurgling in ileocoecal region; pain in right side; bowels loose; perityphlitis.
Male: sexual desire increased or decreased; weakness; voluptuous tickling at end of urethra; pressure in testicles.
Back: stiff; lassitude; bruised sacrum; lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism.
Limbs: heavy, swollen hands; cold back and spine; bruised thighs; nightly digging in right lower limb to toes; burning heat in tips of fingers; joints: stiff, contracted, crackling in joints, < frequent emissions; contraction.
Skin: tight; eruption, upper inner thighs; itching pimples, neck and chest; formication in legs with stiffness.