Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
652.11.01 Paeonia officinalis
Names: Paeonia europea.
Names: Paieon, a Greek physician, cured wounds of Pluto and other gods from the Trojan War with Paeonia.
English: Peony.
Dutch: Pioenroos.
Content: tannin, resin.
Botany: Mediterranean; sunny, rocky mountain slopes; dry soil, calcium; only genus of Paeoniaceae; 150 species; < replanted, take a few years before it will blossom again.
Culture: Paeonia is a traditional floral symbol of China; since 1957 the peony is also the State flower of Indiana; fairy tale Hansel and Gretel.
Source: Pieter Kuiper, Marguerite Pelt; Interhomeopathy 2007, May.
The main issue is the home and family. They need a stable home and have an aversion to changes. Sudden and unexpected changes in particular seem to affect them profoundly. They cannot stand being sent away from home, for instance to an training college. They get complaints from being left by their family. They can feel it as if they are being cut from their roots. That is probably why they have amrked cutting and stabbing pains, as if from knives.
They are anxious they may lose their family. In nightmares this can come back as the death of family members. In general they can be anxious people, having a fear of strangers and new things. They prefer to keep things unchanged. It is a kind of nostalgia. When they lose their home or something similar they can become very depressed.
Homesick; forsaken, alone.
Oversensitive, < bad news, about family or home.
Dullness of senses, thoughts vanishing, < entering warm room.
Depression with irritability.
Anxious, apprehension, timid, afraid to talk with any one, < evening.
Ailments from loss of home, marriage, being cheated, robbed.
Desire to take large doses of medicines.
Dreams: anxious, sad, vivid, wonderful; nightmare; quarrelsome; disturbing; amorous.
Dreams: death of relatives; persecution by witches in long dark clothing.
Dream: ghost sitting on his chest, oppressing his breath, waking groaning.
Sleep: terrifying dreams, quarrelsome; nightmare.
Sensation: congestion, rush of blood, head, face, chest, anus.
Weather: < coming into warm room, < cold, wet weather, < open air.
Time: < 5 pm.
Aversion: food: appetite lost.
Sleep: somnambulism; starting on falling asleep.
Physical: < touch, < pressure, < injury; < motion, < stool; - >> walking.
Nervous: epilepsy, cramps.
Vertigo: < motion, > drinking, < warm room, reeling and staggering.
Head: headache, s: congested, pulsating; arteritis temporalis.
Eyes: burning heat, red; watery; dry, burning, itching, smarting, as sand, < opening; conjunctivitis; contracted pupils.
Ears: ringing.
Nose: posterior nares full of mucus, catarrh.
Face: congestion, puffy; burning heat, red; crawling upper lip.
Mouth: tongue red; violent pressure, articular fossa of lower jaw to inner ear, > jaws open, > drinking, < pressing jaws together; biting posteriorly in palate in evening.
Throat: swallowing difficult; hawking, tenacious mucus; constant scraping, coughing, hawking; as if acrid, burning vapour.
Lungs: breath oppressed, < nightmare.
Heart: pain, dull shooting from front to back through heart, anxiety.
Chest: heat; sticking pain in left; breast, ulcer; sternum pain, ulcers.
Stomach: nausea, > drinking; vomiting.
Abdomen: rumbling, rumbling; pain, griping, aching, pinching, cutting, epigastrium, umbilical region, muscles, anxious; weak liver.
Rectum: fissure, fistule, ulcers, abscess; haemorrhoids large, inflamed, ulcerated, perineum; pain, excruciating, biting, itching, burning, shooting, splinter like, stabbing, as knives, itching, > rising, > walking; purple, covered with crusts; sudden, pasty diarrhoea, with faintness in abdomen.
Urinary: burning micturition; perineum, purple, crusts, painful ulcer constantly oozes offensive moisture.
Female: genitals swollen and painful; uterus problems after childbirth.
Back: decubitus of coccyx; ulcers below coccyx, around sacrum.
Limbs: varicose veins, swollen, congested, red, painful; rolls on floor from pain; pain in wrist and fingers; knees and toes; cutting pain, as a knife, toes.
Skin: sensitive; blisters, chronic ulcers, leg, foot, toes, breast, < walking long, pressure of boots; bed sores, decubitus, coccyx; heat; as from nettles; abscesses, boils, carbuncles; bunions.