Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.42.02 Oryza sativa
English: rice.
Dutch: rijst.
French: riz.
Source: Prometheus proving.
Matriarchy; woman doing all the tasks; feeling like a slave.
Works with great skill, delicacy, detail, refinement, meticulous, orderly, fastidious; watch maker, miniaturist.
Family is important, has to stay together.
Sweet, soft, humble but not servile.
Sensitivity to beauty and creativity: can restore these attributes.
Unfocused, displaced, dislocated, ungrounded, out of their bodies; lost rudder.
Upset easily, < interference, < shock, < overburdened, < menopause, physically or mentally.
Anxiety, fear: change, lack of routine, discipline, unspecified anxieties.
Feeling weak, helpless, vulnerable, < from the slightest cross word.
Slow or difficult learning especially; memory poor, loss, < head injury.
Useful where the solar plexus is affected in a strongly sycotic type.
Autism; Aspergers's syndrome.
Anorexia and bulimia.
Can be fetishist.
Dreams: vivid but unconnected incidents, make no sense; losing things, losing one’s way.
Weather: hot in bed.
Sleep: sleepy daytime; wakeful and restless at night.
Physical: < menopause.
Desire: comfort foods; simple, bland, unadventurous food; food, ravenous appetite.
Food: < rice, < starchy foods, < potatoes.
Aversion: rice.
General: underdevelopment.
Vertigo: faintness, light-headed; drowsy, < eating.
Eyes: cataract, blindness; exophthalmia.
Ears: wax increased, children; hearing loss, selective.
Nose: catarrh, discharge thin, runny, watery; snuffles in children; smell loss.
Throat: catarrh; dry, swallowing difficult, < big mouthfuls, > chewing long; thyroid enlarged.
Lungs: coughing to clear the phlegm.
Chest: breasts shrivelled, << menopause.
Stomach: indigestion; heavy, weight in the epigastric region; full, < little food.
Abdomen: bloated, water retention, = urination, < menses, < menopause, < eating a little, < starchy foods; tender, congested, sigmoid, spleen flexures; candida; grumbling appendix; liver, spleen, pancreas weakness.
Rectum: constipation; worms; parasites; diarrhoea, irritation of bowels.
Urinary: frequent urging, ineffectual; urination painful.
Male: testicles not descended; underdevelopment.
Female: dry vagina; infertility.
Back: clicking and crunching of the vertebrae in the neck; cervical spine is tense and cracks easily; scoliosis; kyphosis.
Limbs: flexion and articulation problems: tendons and ligaments are painful or taut; dislocation of joints: muscular dystrophy.
Skin: dermatitis, eruptions, chronic, dry, eczema.
DD: Calcium, Pulsatilla.