Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.10 Origanum vulgare
English: Marjoram.
Dutch: Oregano; Wilde marjolien; Dost; Hommelkroet; Donderkruid, lila.
Sexual desire increased, tormenting, voluptuous, lascivious, impulsive, maniacal, masturbation, nymphomania, < young girls.
Longing for love and sex, hindered by sympathy for others, jealousy of others.
Friendly, sympathetic; open; making connections easily; desires company, contact; averse being alone.
Ailments from loss of mother, loss of child.
Very just, gives back the money when she receives too much.
Aversion dependency.
Aversion to religious duties.
Aversion war, violence against powerless people.
Enjoys life, does not make trouble or panic, vivacity.
Prostration of mind, mental exhaustion, brain fag, < masturbation.
Nervous, hysteria; restless, walking about all the time; impossible to rest.
Sad, morose, despairing, causeless weeping, aversion and disgust for life; desire for death; suicidal by throwing herself out of the window.
Fear: own sexual impulses; being poisoned.
Delusion: being in hell, in chains; being crazy, lost, despised; being a victim.
Dreams: lascivious, amorous.
Desire: spicy; meat; cheese; drinks, thirst.
Aversion: drinks; garlic; food, no appetite.
Food: < tea; < medicines.
Physical: -> active exercise, running; << fractures spine, fall from horse; <<< lumbar puncture.
General: dropsy, scurvy, fevers.
Infection: bacteria, staphylococcus.
Vertigo: << lumbar puncture, < looking up, steadily, < going to bed.
Head: headache from neck, right side, temples, pressure behind eye, > sitting bend forward with hands on thighs; heat, head involuntarily turns from one side to the other.
Ears: pain, tinnitus, deafness.
Nose: nosebleed, < morning.
Mouth: burning; toothache.
Throat: voice reverberating; hyperthyreoidism.
Lungs: cough, whooping; asthma; consumption.
Heart: hypotension; palpitation; thrombosis.
Chest: breasts affections, itching.
Stomach: pains; nausea < tea; indigestion; dyspepsia.
Abdomen: pains; jaundice.
Rectum: diarrhoea.
Urinary: frequent urge, < night.
Female: leucorrhoea; sexual irritation; flatulence of the uterus.
Limbs: thrombosis leg; restless legs; rheumatic pains, wandering, arms, legs, hands, feet, > running or walk in fresh air.
Skin: wounds, boils; vividly red efflorescence, spots, legs and abdomen.