Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.42.09 Onopordum acanthium
English: Cotton thistle; Scotch thistle; Heraldic thistle; woolly thistle.
French: Onoporde: Chardon aux anes (= thistle of the donkeys).
Use: prognosticator of the most faithful admirer; the weather.
Source: Elsas and Buttner.
Robbed of essential things.
Crushed by the heavy loss.
Early old.
Anguish; anxiety.
Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness; alternating with sadness.
Concentration: difficult.
Indifference, apathy.
Lack of initiative. Irritability.
Mistakes; talking; reverses words; wrong syllables.
Mood: changeable, variable.
Restlessness, nervousness. Sadness, alternating with exuberance. Senses acute. Sensitive, oversensitive. Slowness. Tranquility, serenity, calmness. Aversion to mental work.
Difficult concentration.
Sad, depressive tendency, the increased sensory perceptions.
No self-reliance, no self-confidence.
Weather: cold, chilly; < heat; < cold, cold, wet weather; < draught; > warmth; > change to warm dry weather; > mountain.
Desire: sweets.
Food: > eating.
Physical: < motion; < sitting, > rest, repose.
Sleep: light, restless; < sleep.
Discharge: blood; haemorrhages, ecchymosis; lassitude.
Energy: weak, < spring.
Fever: rickets, catarrh, discharges, cancerous complaints.
Nervous: convulsions, cricks, neck; jerking in children, convulsions.
Head: headache > change to warm and dry weather.
Ears: stuffed.
Nose: dry, cold; stuffed; hayfever; smell acute; sinusitis, frontal.
Face: pain in right maxillary sinus; cancer.
Mouth: dry, cold; < dentition; taste increased.
Throat: dry, cold.
Heart: feels cold; rhythm disorders; pulse frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid, irregular, < morning; hypertension; dull pain; extending to left arm.
Chest: constriction, left; as of a stone; dull pain, heart extending to left arm.
Stomach: weak, indigestion; vomiting.
Abdomen: cold feeling, lower < menses; swelling, redness from a belt; liver problems.
Rectum: diarrhoea.
Urinary: urine scanty, gonorrhoea.
Female: menses painful, scanty; dysmenorrhoea.
Back: neck, crick, sprain.
Limbs: pains in back and extremities, > motion, < sitting, < sleep; fleeting pains in small joints, right big toe, left thumb; heavy like lead; feet turn < walking; joints inflammation, chronic, arthritis, deforming.
Skin: wounds; psora; hair loss.