Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
654.12.00 Onagraceae
English: Willowherb family; Evening primrose family.
French: Oenotheraceae.
Botany: ± 22 genera; ± 640 species; herbs, shrubs, trees; cosmopolitan; valvulate calyx; grouped vessels in wood; stamens straight; pollen with viscid threads; anther locules divided; inflorescence indeterminate.
Onagraceae is a Family in Myrtales in the Apg3 classification.
In the Plant theory it is treated in the same way and palled in Subphase 2.
They want to be seen as special and unique but are too dependent and unsure of themselves to really stand for it. In our culture this is often expressed in the theme of feminism. They feel undervalued, subordinated as a woman, not treated equal to men, giving lesser salary and being more dependent on men. In the past women were often dismissed from their job when they got married. They feel it unfair that a culture can have such standards. They feel frustrated and angry that they are too dependent and lack the opportunities to express themselves as someone special, interesting and unique.
They can work hard. But often they are doing work that must be done but that they do not like. The work must be done to earn money or for a household for the family. But they would like to become an artist or scientist, to develop themselves. They want to do creative work, instead of stupid routine work.
In their personal life they want to have a family. But often they have a very fighting quality so that they end up alone. Or they get married but are divorced quite fast due to the quarrels. Then they have to raise a child on their own. This leads to financial problems and they have to accept a normal job to earn money. This leads to frustration because they want to be creative and to have an artistic job.
They come from a family where they felt like not really belonging. Their mother can be frustrated and depressed because she did not get the oppotunity to be an artist as she had to run the household. The family lacked the warmth of loving parents.
They have a problem with their self-worth. They know they are unique and deserve to be treated like that. But on the other hand they are unsure about themselves, so they cannot really stand up for themselves. They fight for equal rights out of theoretical motives but lack the inner strength to just to take their stand.
They have to work hard for their place, more so due to cultural clashes; they have a place but have to fight for it, or get overwhelmed by it.
Fragile, unsure.
Unappreciated, as a human being, as a woman, as an intelligent person.
Idea that men are so showy, extravagant, taking too much, even all the space.
Nervous trembling, as in someone who for the first time speaks out loudly at a gathering.
Desire to be creative, artistic, scientific.
Loquacity, likes to tell stories, theatrical.
A shaky pride.
Feminist, < male dominance.
Feeling of shame and guilt for what they have done wrong or not have done.
Anger, rage, fury, held in or expressed, < too many demands, being rejected, humiliated, insulted, degraded, subordinated.
Sadness, depression, < being rejected, having failed, being unloved, humiliated, degraded.
Apathy, indifference from having the feeling that one’s goals cannot be reached.
Reaching, longing for connection, others.
Desire for beauty, art, music, dance, literature, science, philosophy.
Desire: spirituality, meditation, sacred feeling of the world.
Sensitive, soft emotional, loving, less technical, take life day by day.
Lack of success in art or science, due to insecurity, lack of money.
Sensation: inner nervous trembling, trembling lightness; pricking, stitching, shooting, tickling, tingling, numb, raw, burning.
Weather: > open air; ! flushes of heat, < night.
Time: < night; < full moon.
Food: - >> coffee.
Nervous, trembling, < wind; neuralgia, shooting, electric pains, arms, face, teeth and legs; numbness, tingling; paralysis.
Nose: rhinitis, sinusitis, hayfever.
Throat: pharyngitis and laryngitis; voice can become hoarse or lost.
Lungs: cough studied, < tickling; asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis: cough, with or without expectoration; sharp chest pains.
Stomach: heavy; nausea.
Rectum: diarrhoea.
Male: epididymitis.
Female: menses painful, absent, frequent, profuse; ovaries problems.