Jan Scholten
Natrium lacticum
‘A silent girl’
Natrium Lacticum
Impulsive relationships Girl
Changing relationships Childish
Vulnerable Dependent
Lack of perseverance Feminine
Alone Lonely
Silent Closed
An impulsive girl.
Impulsive towards girls.
A silent girl.
A withdrawn girl.
One single relationship as a girl.
A lonely pregnancy and lactation period.
Picture of Natrium Lacticum
Essence: a silent girl.
An impulsive girl
They can be very impulsive as a little girl. That means to say that they are typically girlish and soft on the one hand, playing with dolls etc., whilst they can also be very impulsive on the other hand, particularly in the way they make contact with others. They just walk up to anybody to get to know them, without stopping to think whether this person would be suitable, or whether this is the right moment.
Impulsive towards girls
Another variation would be somebody who is very impulsive towards girls. They feel very attracted to girlish types and are inclined to walk straight up to them for a chat. But they don’t really know how to go about getting to know them properly. Their manner is rather awkward, so it usually doesn’t come to anything.
A single relationship as a girl
They often only want one special relationship. When they are little this is usually with the mother. They want to be with their mother all the time and they can’t bear to be separated even for a single moment. This may show in their aversion to closed doors, they don’t like a door to be between them.
Or it may be the case of a mother who only wants one special relationship and that is with her little daughter, her little girl.
A withdrawn little girl
At a later stage they begin to shut themselves off from other people because they feel that they won’t succeed in making any real contact anyway. The blunders caused by their naive kind of behaviour are the cause of many an unsuccessful attempt to make contact, until they finally give up trying.
Another situation may be that they did not get enough attention as a child because the parents, and particularly the mother, did not have enough time. This causes them to become quiet and withdrawn: they don’t play, they don’t talk, they just sit there like a silent little girl.
Fears: alone !!, loss of relations, death, future, people; easily frightened, unexpected events.
Mood: sadness, gloomy, melancholic, pessimistic.
Mentally: always thinking about the past.
Art: -> music, soft, classical, piano music.
Causes: loss of relationship, death of family, friends or loved one, >< arranged marriage, mother feeling alone during pregnancy.
Build: thin.
Weather: warm, > outside, < sun, <> sea.
Time: < 11 am and 5 pm.
Desires: sweet !!, chocolate, egg, milk, chicken, salt, starch, fish.
Aversion: milk, << fasting !!, >> eating !!, sweet, salt, spices, buttermilk, lemon.
Food: < milk !!, bottle feed !!, starch.
Menses: late first menses.
Sleep: light, wakes up at the slightest sound.
Physical: < lying on left side.
Vertigo, trembling.
Headache, < sun, < milk.
Colds with swollen glands in neck.
Inflammation of breasts, breasts painful and swollen, nipples painful, < before menses.
Breasts small and insensitive like those of a little girl. Lactation problems, too much or too little milk.
Nausea > eating !!.
Diarrhoea with abdominal pains, walks bent double with pain.
Kidney problems.
DD Carbon series, Carbonicums, Oxygen.
DD Muriaticums: the dependency on the mother is similar, but the Muriaticums are usually the attention seekers, whilst the Lacticums are more endearing in their dependency: ‘Look at that sweet little child’.
DD Lacs, Sarcolactic acid.