Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.31.08 Menyanthus trifoliata
English: Buckbean; Bitterklee; Buck-bean; Bog-bean; Buckbean; Fieberklee.
French: Trefle d’eau.
DD: cact, calc, chin, glon, lach, sep, verat.
The keynote of this remedy is that they have icy cold limbs with the migraine. Most cases were prescribed on that symptom. As a member of the order of the Campanulales it must have the character of Phase 3, Boron, as the Camapanulaceae and Lobeliacaeae have. As aquatics the Menyanthaceae have characteristics of Phase 1, Lithium and Natrium; that is what we see in the first case of Menyanthes. The man was confused, Boron, with his brother from birth on, Lithium.
There are many aspects of Subphase 1 like foolishness, buffoonery, excessiveness.
Femininity wounded.
Auto mutilation.
Sexual excessive sometimes.
Have their own truth but are not listened to; struck on the mouth.
Theme of existence.
Being a mother as a means to gain value.
Sensation: being a newcomer.
Carrying much on the shoulders.
Responsible for everyone.
Buffoonery and excessive gaiety.
Childish; foolish behaviour.
Sensitive, oversensitive, < noise, < touch, < waking.
Suspiciousness, mistrustfulness.
Talk, talking, talks: indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn.
Work: aversion to mental.
Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending, < eating, < in room.
Ailments from divorce.
Anxiety and apprehension; about the heart, as if something evil were going to happen.
Indifference to everything.
Taciturn and self-reflecting.
Impressionable, susceptible.
Increase of sexual desire without excitement of the imagination or erection.
Sad, tearful, weepy.
Fear: alone; evil; something will happen; heart disease; misfortune, of.
Delusion: marriage has to be possible, even when husband was impossible.
Delusion: being a woman is a handicap.
Dreams: lascivious, amorous, lewd, lascivious, voluptuous.
Dream: dinosaur; battles; blow on the mouth; fire; war; visionary.
Colour preference: 12-14C !!.
Sensation: pinching; tight; tense, compressing; shortened; pressing, stitching; twitching; numbness.
Weather: chilly; shivering; < cold, fresh air; icy cold hands and feet << headache; heat before menses; < change of weather.
Time: > twilight; < 3 to 5 pm.
Desire: fish; raw meat; food, appetite increased before menses; thirst before menses.
Aversion: olive oil; bread and butter; fats and rich food; drinks, thirstless.
Food: < oil; smoking tobacco; < bread; > vinegar.
Sleep: agitated; yawning.
Physical: < rest; < walking, ascending; < lying down; > pressure, hard, on affected part !; > laying on hands; >< stooping; > motion; < jar; < light; < noise; <<< abuse of Cinchona and Quinine.
General: skinny, underweight.
Fever: intermittent, cold predominates, in abdomen and legs; quartan malaria.
Head: headache bursting, pressing, heavy weight; vertex, downwards; > hard pressure, < every step < ascending, with icy cold hands and feet; vertex heavy, weight, pressing; pains, >< stooping, > sitting, < ascending.
Eyes: vision mist, flickering, cloudy, black, < reading; spasmodic stiffness of eyelids tonic spasms; blindness.
Ears: icy cold; cracking in ear, < chewing.
Nose: icy cold; tension, root; smell as from rotten eggs.
Face: cracking in jaw; twitching of facial muscles.
Mouth: taste sweetish bitter.
Throat: hoarseness.
Lungs: dyspnoea.
Heart: anxiety, as if some evil was impending.
Stomach: nausea during headache; ache, dyspepsia; empty belching.
Abdomen: distended and full, < smoking tobacco; colitis; icy cold; bile; diabetes.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea; bleeding, haemorrhoids.
Urinary: frequent, scant urine.
Male: testicles drawn up; spermatic cord painful to touch.
Female: menses irregular.
Back: pain cervical region, extending to head; boring at left scapula.
Limbs: icy cold, prominent parts, fingers, knees, < night; visible jerks or twitches; pinching and stinging in the limbs and joints; rheumatic pains; tension, arms, hands, fingers; cramp in posterior thighs, < sitting, or from ankles to calves; arthritis, osteoarthritis; hands icy cold, enlarged veins.
Skin: tight, tension, as if much too small; wet oozing.