Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.16.00 Menispermaceae
Names: from the Greek word mene, meaning the crescent moon and sperma meaning seed.
This family is placed in Subphase 5.
They have a fear of the world. They see the world as dangerous and do not know how to cope with it. They feel like children who need their parents. When their parents get ill, they get into a panic, afraid of losing them. What to do without parents in this world? They feel paralysed, not knowing what to do. They will take care of their parents and others to the utmost in order to keep them alive. But they feel paralysed, as though they cannot do much about the situation. They feel handed over, powerless.
The other side is that they are coping, working to keep the family together, to survive as a family in this dangerous world. They give a lot. They just care and wear themselves out completely, but in the end they may have given too much and get exhausted.
They feel they cannot stand by themselves. They feel they need others persons for help and survival.
Hesitation and uncertainty in amorous affairs; difficulty in getting married.
Hold onto grievances, difficult to let them go.
Passive, let themselves be handled; easily influenced; adapting to superiors, doctors.
Thinking difficult, < panic.
Dull, prostration, forgetful.
Sad, helpless, hopeless, lamenting.
Ailments from caring, nursing, worrying, night watching.
Fear: death, animal, fight.
Sensation: as in a vice; constricting, aching, opening and shutting, unbearable, paralytic.
Food: tastes bitter.
Sleep: sleepy.
Physical: > lying, > sleeping, > urination, > stool.
Energy: weak.
Nervous: lame, paralysis.
Stomach: nausea + faint < morning.
Abdomen: hernia inguinal; pain < stool, stone feeling; hepatitis, enteritis, peritonitis.
Male: prostatism.
Urinary: urination difficult; urine scanty.
Limbs: pain, cramping, thigh; cramp, spasm, convulsion.