Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.06 Marrubium vulgare, Marrubium album
English: White horehound.
Dutch: Gevluchte hugenoten.
They are very communicative, want to have many contacts and friends and have a good time with them. They like to travel, work in creative jobs and meet a lot of people, but they become reserved and rebellious when others try to interfere with them. They feel they have to protect their autonomy when their parents want to guide or protect them. Then they become reserved which is in contrast to their natural attitude.
Red anger, in puberty, < authority of his mother.
Generation conflict.
Parents who do not know how to control the rebellion of their children.
Colour preference: 22B.
Energy: weak, fatigue, burnout; mononucleosis; spasms.
Fever: mild; malaria.
Eyes: vision dim.
Ears: pains.
Nose: colds; stuffed up nostrils.
Mouth: drawing pain upper molars, bicuspids.
Throat: sore; larynx problems; hoarseness; hyperthyreoidism.
Lungs: coughs; chronic bronchitis, old people, asthma, consumption; expectoration difficult.
Heart: pulse irregular nervous.
Stomach: weak; indigestion; dyspepsia and hepatic.
Abdomen: liver indurated, hard, disorders; jaundice; obstructions of liver and spleen; gall scanty; worms.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea, flatulence.
Female: amenorrhoea; afterbirth problems.
Skin: itch, eczema; snake bites; bite of mad dogs, rabies; wounds.