Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.34.02 Manihot esculenta
Names: Manihot utilissima; Jatropha manihot.
English: Sweet casada; Bitter casada; Cassava; Manioc; Tapioca; Pohl.
French: Maniok.
Content: cyanogenic glycosides, linamarin and lotaustralin.
Use: most important food in the world; raw juice is toxic but harmless after cooking.
Moral and physical prostration.
Sadness, bad humour, < waking, painful weeping, with grinding of the teeth.
Senseless and unconscious, reacts to her name when called.
Emotional, < talk about the disease.
Beggar, wheedling alms.
Cheating others means a devaluation of oneself.
Dreams: distressing; save an asphyxiated child, whose parents will not let him be treated; conflagration, small flames.
Colour preference: 3B.
Weather: chilly; whole body cold.
Sweat: profuse, < sleep, > waking; foetid, armpits, scrotum.
Time: < 6 am.
Desire: short; sleepy, < breakfast, milk; drinks, thirst.
Sleep: sleepy, drowsy, < daytime; falls asleep late.
Vertigo: dizziness.
Nervous: konzo, = tropical ataxic neuropathy, gait unsteady, uncoordinated; paralysis debilitating, irreversible; convulsions, fell to the ground, unconscious, with loud cries.
Head: cold; weight in head, top of the forehead; pain in the forehead and nasal fossae.
Eyes: staring; pain in orbits; vision diminished, optical illusions.
Ears: noise, like letting off steam.
Nose: rhinitis, < cassava; obstruction.
Mouth: clammy; bad breath; bitter taste.
Throat: swelling in the left tonsil; pain, palate; dry oesophagus; goitre.
Lungs: respiration intermitting, almost ceasing.
Heart: pulse very weak, intermitting, scarcely perceptible; hypertension.
Chest: pain, < motion.
Stomach: belching, < 6 am; weight, heavy, > touch; pain, vague, dull, acute, cramps, nausea, violent vomiting and purging; irritable bowel syndrome; coeliac disease.
Abdomen: swelling; pain vague, hypgastrium, < urinating, < 6 am; rumbling; pancreatitis, chronic, calcific.
Rectum: diarrhoea; ineffectual straining; pain pressing, pricking, sphincter; stool watery, greenish, foetid, copious, light coloured; relaxed, wide open.
Urinary: sudden pain, lancinating, urethra, above the fossa navicularis; heat in the urethra.
Back: pain, loins.
Limbs: relaxed; pain, acute, rheumatic, left arm, elbow, inside of the thigh, right thigh; trembling knees, limbs < emotion; weak knees, < going upstairs; swelling of the ankles, > lying; icy coldness shoulder-blades, arm, marrow of the bone, knees, feet, hands.