Jan Scholten
The ailments from lack of bonding or warmth from the mother. They can feel that they were not cared for, not fed well, did not get breastfeeding or not enough attention and affection. Milk nurtures the vulnerable, dependent baby, also encompassing the child’s need to grow, thrive and be strong. They can have problems from abuse in early childhood, especially during the nursing period, and bad trouble with parents or a sibling.
Relationships problems, inability to bear touch and intimacy.
Feelings separate, forsaken, isolation, estrangement.
Feeling of being let down, or falling to pieces.
Sense of disconnection and lack of grounding.
Desire to escape from their body, the prisoned.
Desire for support, security, care.
Lack of trust, in life, and in herself.
Irritable from being criticised on their parenting.
Desire for belonging, hope, protection, care.
The theme of fall, bankruptcy. It displays and follows the image of the fall of the divine state, as well as the material, the world of instincts, the personal physical decline, the inability to deal with his plans, the failure of ideals.
Balancing leads to indifference, apathy, isolation, loneliness.
Polarity, duality.
Conflict between instincts and civilization, between addiction and freedom.
Aggression, feelings of hatred, fury, anger, excitement.
Sexuality, increased, uncontrollable, without moral constraints. Live in a world of illusory feelings (desires, film and video films).
Feeling guilty, shame.
Loathing of self and life.
Feelings of lack, security, poverty, consciousness, jealousy.
Eating disorders, under eating and overeating; anorexia; bulimia.
Obsessive, compulsive problems, in cleaning, washing.
Indifference or lack of feeling; forgetting.
Mistakes, in writing, speaking; dyslexia.
Sexuality increased or decreased.
Sad, depressed, suicidal tendencies; postnatal depression.
Fear: narrow or confined spaces; falling.
Fear: sharp objects; sharp and critical tongue.
Color preferences: 8-10D, deep red; 4-5C,orange; also 11C-E, magenta and purple.
Region: alternating sides.
Weather: desire warm; aversion cold; chilly, < cold.
Desire: milk; oral enjoyments, pacifier, lollipop, sucking thumb; breastfeeding in babies.
Aversion: milk; all food, except milk.
Food: >< milk.
General: > during pregnancy and breastfeeding, < after this period.
General: metabolic syndrome; problems; diet, nutrition problems; glucose tolerance, diabetes.
Head: headaches; migraine.
Stomach: nausea, < pregnancy.
Female: hormonal disturbance; PMS, gynecomastia; pregnancy problems: nausea, vomiting, dehydration, miscarriage, abortion; nursing problems: milk scanty, copious, mastitis.
Carbon series.