Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.72.00 Loranthaceae
Botany: woody plants; mostly hemi-parasites; mistletoe habit.
Loranthaceae: 63 genera; Actinanthella, Aetanthus, Agelanthus, Alepis, Amyema, Amylotheca, Atkinsonia, Bakerella, Baratranthus, Benthamina, Berhautia, Cecarria, Cladocolea, Cyne, Dactyliophora, Decaisnina, Dendropemon, Dendropthoe, Desmaria, Diplatia, Distrianthes, Elytranthe, Emelianthe, Englerina, Erianthemum, Gaiadendron, Globimetula, Helicanthes, Helixanthera, Ileostylus, Ixocactus, Kingella, Lampas, Lepeostegeres, Lepidaria, Ligaria, Loranthus, Loxanthera, Lysiana, Macrosolen, Moquiniella, Muellerina, Notanthera, Nuytsia, Oliverella, Oncella, Oncocalyx, Oryctanthus, Oryctina, Panamanthus, Papuanthes, Pedistylis, Peraxilla, Phragmanthera, Phthirusa, Plicosepalus, Psittacanthus, Scurrula, Septulina, Socratina, Sogerianthe, Spragueanella, Struthanthus, Tapinanthus, Taxillus, Tetradyas, Thaumasianthes, Tolypanthus, Trilepidea, Tripodanthus, Tristerix, Trithecanthera, Tupeia, Vanwykia.
Misodendraceae: feathery mistletoes; 1 genus, Misodendron; 12 species; hemiparasites on Nothofagus. The twelve are all restricted to South America.
Schoepfiaceae: 1 genus, Schoepfia; formerly in Olacaceae and Santalaceae.
Loranthaceae, Misodendraceae and Schoepfiaceae form a monophyletic clade in the Order of Santalales the Apg3 classification. Viscum album was placed in the Loranthaceae in the past but now is in its own family Viscaceae.
In the Plant theory Loranthaceae, Misodendraceae and Schoepfiaceae are treated in the same way as in the Apg3 classification, They are placed in Subphase 2 in the Santalales.
They will feel dependent, want to have a place, fighting or overwhelmed. They feel an outcast but are still very dependent.
Energy: weak, child like, incapable, uneducated, incomplete, not whole, half, of no value.
Dependent on a group for support, nourishment, shelter, love, help, life.
Fear: being not included, cut off, voted out, disconnected, outcast, injured, screamed at, choked or killed.