Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.77.14 Lophophytum leandrii, Flor de Piedra
English: Stone flower.
Botany: parasite; South America, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil; no proper stem or leaves; like a fungus.
Content: acids, resin, glucose, albumen and mucilage, tannin of catechu, leuco anthocyanidine, bromine and iodine.
On a high with alert mind, bright and happy.
Mind slow, confused or muddled mind.
Ideas: abundant, clearness of mind; high, alert, bright, happy.
Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy.
Type: tubercular, nervous; phosphoric, fluoric types.
Weather: > open air; > heat.
Sweat: profuse; hot flushes.
Time: < evening.
Desire: drinks, extreme thirst.
Aversion: fat.
Food: < fat.
Sleep: disturbed, fiery, hot feeling in bed.
Physical: < exertion.
General: cholesterol low; pituitary; diabetes.
Energy: weakness, sudden tiredness, fatigue, < morning.
Nervous: epilepsy, rickets and malignant conditions.
Vertigo: tendency to fall to the left.
Head: headache, bursting, terrific, < evening, night, right frontal, > open air.
Eyes: bloodshot; stye, lower right eyelid; vision less sharp, disturbances, zigzags at the edge of the field; pain pressing, < reading; exophthalmus.
Ears: pruritus of the auditory canal; singing; degenerative labyrinthitis.
Nose: dry; sneezing.
Mouth: dry; taste diminished; ulcers, lips, tongue.
Throat: dry; lump; stabbing, < morning; swallowing empty, difficult; goitre, congestion of the thyroid; hyperthyroidism; dysthyroidism; goitre.
Lungs: cough, irritating, dry, hacking.
Heart: pain; fluttering fibrillation; palpitations.
Chest: right subcostal pain; oppression, right side, < movement, < deep respiration.
Stomach: acrid dyspepsia; indigestion; nausea; heartburn.
Abdomen: heavy, full; catarrh jaundice; insufficient bile; liver disease, pain; distension; pains, > stool, < pressure of underclothes; pressure in the right iliac region; cholecystitis; colic; colitis; hepatitis.
Rectum: spasmodic diarrhoea; greyish or pale yellow stools.
Urinary: profuse, abundant urination.
Female: menses infrequent, abundant, late, copious; greenish discharge.
Back: tight, constriction of neck; pain in the right shoulder on lifting the right arm.
Limbs: painful drawing, left arm, elbow and hand, formication in the left hand; heavy legs; feet cold; sharp, cutting pain in the left knee, worse when walking; drawing pain in the right thigh down to the calf and heel; right foot slightly oedematous and sensitive to pressure.
Skin: pruritus, general, ears, scalp, arms, face, abdomen, anus; marks on the thighs and lower limbs.