Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.65.13 Lonicera xylosteum
Names: Lonicera xylosteum is an unresolved name.
English: Honeysuckle, Fly woodbine.
French: camerisier des haines.
Botany: climber, very sweet and charming fragrance; being invited in with honey but then deceived.
Culture: Old friends, Simon and Garfunkel.
Source: Sense provings.
They are very passionate and are in danger of losing themselves and their autonomy in relationships, especially love relationships. On the other hand they need to preserve their self-determination and inner freedom and thus cannot really give themselves in relationships. This often leads to situations where their lover is unavailable or does not want to give himself in their relationship and betrays them. This gives a lot of anger, which cannot be fully expressed for fear of losing their lover.
Lost love, alone, cannot let go.
Introverted due to loss of affection.
Desire for light and air.
Ailments from being in love with unavailable person; unrequited love or cannot choose between two relationship.
Love difficult.
Heart: wide open, then disappointment.
Vulnerable, sad, labile; deserted.
Fear of commitment, no contact with others, with mother in womb.
Irritability of temper, with violent outburst.
The passion has a heavy quality, confused quality, as if in a mist, not free in it.
Desire light, air, emotions.
Aversion being in a straitjacket.
Fear: alone.
Sensation: tingling.
Sweat: cold, profuse.
Time: < July.
Desire: drinks, excessive thirst.
Food; < chocolate, < coffee.
Sleep: constant deep; half open eyes; sleepy; coma.
Infection: syphilis.
Nervous: convulsions, violent, uremic, limbs and head fall over as if paralysed; coma, vigil; dull; sopor; stupefaction; not hearing nor seeing, unable to make answer.
Head: congestion, fall over, as if paralysed; migraine, pressing inward, vertex forehead + zig-zags vision, icy cold feet, chilly, sweat, < chocolate, coffee.
Eyes: conjunctiva red; contraction of one pupil and dilatation of the other; vision weak, foggy, indistinct; photophobia; eyes half open.
Face: red; pale face.
Mouth: tongue moist, coated with mucus; lips dry.
Lungs: rapid, deep.
Heart: violent impulse; beating; pulse slow, small, soft, irregular.
Chest: congestion.
Stomach: vomiting, profuse; purging.
Abdomen: retracted, umbilical region; contracted, in 6 rays, < expiration, > lying on abdomen, soft; violent colic.
Rectum: bloody stools.
Urinary: albuminuria; convulsions.
Limbs: trembling, jerking, frequent; trembling of whole body; cold; gland, inguinal, left, swollen, pain.