Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.65.13 Lonicera japonica
English: Lonisera; Honeysuckle.
Source: Sense provings.
Wide mouths, reaching, greedy, extending, invading, competing, hungry, desperate.
Like little child making first steps trying to explore the world.
Heaviness from inside, something pulling me down.
Fullness coming from within.
Suffocated feeling.
Something grabbing or pulling at me.
Thickness in the air, stickiness.
Wanting to get out.
Disconnected with themselves; trapped and emotional inside.
Parasitic quality.
Felt exposed, open, delicate, fragile, sexual, sensual.
Feeling very needy, wondering if others are married.
Being drawn, enticed, deceived, invited, duped.
Sweet voices.
Something reaching, quietness.
Image of water colour in nursery rhyme book.
Thoughts about family closeness.
Sensation of being open and closed.
Impulsiveness of expression.
Head: sticking out of side of occiput.
Eyes: vision foggy, no focus; heavy, tired, overcome completely.
Ears: murmuring sweet sound, comforting.
Face: jaw joint pain.
Heart: strong palpitations, beating hard.
Chest: breasts problems, destructive.
Stomach: sick, nausea.
Abdomen: pain, right side.
Limbs: burning, arms; pulling sensations bottom of feet, arches, pulling up inside of calves.