Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.65.13 Lonicera caprifolia
English: Honeysuckle.
French: Chevrefeuille des jardins.
Botany: climbing, overgrowing hedges, flowers grow in a cluster of red tendrils which point upward, opening as yellow-white flowers, heavy, laden scent; very sweet and charming fragrance.
Fantasy, aversion being bored.
Fear that time is passing by, being left alone.
Memories of the past; reminiscences, nostalgia, homesick, longing to the old, no interest in present, not in the here and now.
Sadness, sweet pain of cherishing something lost, of longing to relive former happiness.
Undue longing, nostalgia for the happiness of the past.
Thoughts persistent, recurring, of the past.
Delusions, visions, or voices of lost loved ones.
Sad, hopeless, resignation, < old age, <<< parents or the partner dying, < children gone, < health is fading.
Unrequited love; two relationships; in love with unavailable person; formless.
Heart wide open, then disappointment.
Vulnerable, sad, labile; deserted.
Fear commitment, no contact with others, with mother in womb.
Delusions, visions, or voices of lost loved ones in reaction to unresolved trauma or grief.
Suck my honey so that I am not alone.
Desire fantastic things, aversion monotony, routines.
Home sickness. Honey suckle. Lover suckle. Smell is sweetish, intoxicating end of day.
Colour preference: 16B.
Time: < July.
Sleep: sleepiness.
Energy: lethargy, diminished vitality.
Infection: syphilis.
Nervous: stupefaction, as if intoxicated, unable to answer; cramp; convulsions; paralysis, < raising limbs and head, falling.
Eyes: pupils contracted.
Ears: hearing lost.
Lungs: asthma; copious mucus.
Heart: congestion of blood: general.
Abdomen: pain; liver, spleen disorders; constipation.
Limbs: coldness.