Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Lilium lancifoliumn
Lilium lancifolium
FULL, HEAVY or forced out feeling; uterus; heart; eyelids; ovary (l). Utero-ovarian sagging. Marked nervo-hysterical reflexes (Con.), especially mental or cardiac. Nervous tremor; in hypogastrium, in spine, knees, etc. Pulsation, ebullition, gurglings and burnings. Backward pains; about eyes; to occiput; from nipples through chest; from heart to left scapula. Venous congestion. Acrid discharges.
Hurried, nervous, snappish and erotic or depressed. Fruitless activity. Wild, crazy feeling. Dread; of insanity; being incurable, etc. Desires finery. Burning headache, < before and after menses; ache over (l), eye; with vertigo and visual effects. Eyes, feel sprained; bite and burn, < reading. Yellowish, patchy tongue. Sweet taste -back of mouth. Craves meat. Hunger, as if from spine. Stiff, tense abdomen. Can't bear weight of covers. Sharp pains, < doubling up. Early, morning diarrhoea; frequent, small stools; with tenesmus; < after rising. Heavy dragging or outward urging in pelvis; must hold parts (Sanic.); with dysuria. Ovarian pain, (l); into limb; with pain below (l) breast. Menses free, while moving only. Thin, brown, leucorrhoea; acrid. Oppressive load on chest; air hunger; takes long breaths. As of a rivet or ball under (l) mamma. HEART, feels clutched, overful, cold, weak, hangs by a thread, etc.; pains into (l) arm; < stooping; < lying on (r) side; nervous. Palpitation. Neckache, < tire. Broken feeling between scapulae. Pain from hip to hip. Can't walk on uneven ground. Chilly, > open air. Burning palms and soles.
Region: VENOUS CIRCULATION, FEMALE ORGANS; Uterus; Ovaries; HEART (R:; Rectum; Bladder; Left side; Nerves.
Worse: WARMTH, of room; Motion; Miscarriages; Walking; Standing; Consolation.
Better: Cool, fresh air; When busy; Lying on left side; Sunset (Coca; Med; Sele;); Pressure; Crossing legs.