Jan Scholten
Lemna minor
The theme is care of children, their own and others’, feeling like a big protector for small vulnerable people.
Cares and worries about children, their own and other people’s, adopted or handicapped children.
Big heart, taking on the care.
This remedy is renowned for a blocked nose in wet weather. It can have nose polyps.
Quiet, easy going, closed, unsure.
Spirits braced up.
Drowsy by day, restless at night.
Fear: thunder.
Colour preference: white !
Weather: ! < damp, rainy weather; < heavy rains; < getting feet wet; <- sun.
Time: < winter.
Sweat: copious, hands feet.
Desire: French fries, yoghurt, carrots, pudding, whipped cream.
Aversion: vegetables; meat fat; salty; sour, spicy.
Food: < oranges, < spicy, < spaghetti.
Sleep: with open mouth, snoring; on left side.
Head: flitting pains.
Nose: !!! catarrh, + frequent sneezing attacks; obstruction; post nasal dropping; crusts, muco-purulent discharge abundant, foul; atrophic rhinitis; ozaena; polypi !; swollen turbinates; nostrils pain like a string, extending to ear; smell foul, putrid, lost.
Face: pale, dull, sickly look changed to a healthy complexion.
Mouth: foulness of mouth, putrid teeth.
Mouth: taste putrid, < morning; offensive breath.
Throat: dry.
Throat: larynx dry.
Lungs: asthma from nasal obstruction, worse in wet weather.
Abdomen: twisting pains, across the bowels, as if from flatus, rumbling, followed by diarrhoea.
Rectum: noisy diarrhoea, < morning; heat in anus.
Limbs: flitting pains legs.