Lawsonia inermis
Names: Alhenna inermis.
English: Camphire; Egyptian privet; Henna; Jamaica mignonette; Mignonette tree; Smooth lawsonia, Zanzibar bark.
Arabic: Hina; Henna.
Bengali: Hena; Mehedi.
Burmese: Dan.
Creole: Ene; Flè jalouzi.
Dutch: Henna.
Filipino: Cinamomo.
French: Henné; Jalousie; Réséda de France.
German: Hennastrauch.
Hindi: Mehendi.
Indonesian: Inai; Pakar kuku.
Khmer: Krâpéén.
Portuguese: Alfeneiro.
Sanskrit: Madyantika; Mendhika; Ragangi; Raktgarbha.
Spanish: Alcana; Alheña; Henna; Resedá.
Swahili: Mheni; Mhina, mkokoa, muina.
Lawsonia inermis
Genus: 1 species.
Region: northern Africa, Asia, northern Australia.
Habitat: semi-arid zones and tropical areas.
Use: henna dye for skin, hair and fingernails, textile, silk, wool, leather.
Tall shrub or small tree; 2 to 8 m tall.
Stem: glabrous, multi-branched; spine-tipped branchlets.
Leaves: opposite; glabrous, sub-sessile, elliptical, lanceolate; 1 by 5 cm; acuminate; depressed veins on the dorsal surface.
Flowers: four sepals and a 2 mm calyx tube, with 3 mm spread lobes; petals ovate; white or red stamens found in pairs on the rim of the calyx tube; ovary is four-celled, 5 mm long, and erect.
Fruits: small, brownish capsules, 4–8 mm in diameter; ± 40 seeds per fruit; open irregularly into four splits.