Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.55.14 Lathyrus sativus
Names: Lathyrus cicera, angulatus, Cicerula alata, Cicerula sativa, Pisum lathyrus.
English: Wild Vetch; Jesse; Lesser Chick-pea; Sweet Pea; Chickling Vetch; Mattar Pea.
German: Deutsche Kicher.
Dutch: Zaailathyrus.
They try to get a good life with pleasure and fun. But they have the feeling that every way they try is a dead end. So they keep on trying new directions. In the end they get exhausted and give up.
They are insecure, very doubtful about themselves.
Delusion pleasure is impossible because it is a sin.
Desire: affection, consolation, company.
Spontaneous, impulsive.
Energy: weak, weak will, guilty, cannot stand dominance.
Emotional imprisonment.
Deprivation, coercion, hopelessness.
Depressed; hypochondriacal.
Delusion: standing between two abysses; trapped by circumstances.
Confused identity, exchanged for someone else.
Delusion: criminals threatening her, phoning her.
Weather: < cold, wet weather; > walking in open air.
Time: < 5 pm.
Physical: - > touch.
Time: sudden manifestations.
Sleep: sleepy, constant yawning; narcolepsy.
Energy: weak, exhaustion, heaviness, slow recovery, < fever.
Nervous: !! poliomyelitis; myelitis, affection of lateral and anterior columns of spine; reflexes always increased; paralysis, spastic, infantile, painless, legs; lateral sclerosis; Beri-beri; athetosis; muscle wasting, atrophy.
Vertigo: < standing, < eyes closed.
Mouth: tongue burning pain tip; tingling and numbness of tongue and lips, as if scalded.
Limbs: tips of fingers numb; gait, spastic, tremulous, tottering; knees knock against, < walking; rigidity of legs; cramps in legs, < cold, cold feet; cannot extend or cross legs when sitting; rheumatic paralysis; legs, muscles and lower limbs emaciated; legs blue; swollen, if hanging down; stiff, lame ankles and knees, toe do not leave the floor, heels do not touch floor; muscles of calves very tense; sits bent forward, straightens with difficulty.
Urinary: urine increased bladder reflex; frequent urging, urination involuntarily.