Jan Scholten
Lamu provings
0.6 Results
The results of the Lamu seminar are presented in this book "Lamu Provings".
Of all the 16 remedies is presented:
1. Botanical information.
2. Photo's of the plant to give an impression of how they live and grow, to make better and easier contact with them.
3. Materia Medica: this is a short description of the results; I have tried to give a good picture of each remedy; especially the introduction gives a good idea of what we have seen as the essence of the remedy; the remedy picture came mostly from the proving, and was expanded with information of the botanical family picture, herbalism, name and culture, and information coming on during the discussions after the provings.
4. The proving reports: of some remedies the reports of more provers are presented.
A proving is the first step in the process of getting to know a remedy. The results of the proving are best seen as not definite. They give an indication of the remedy picture. The results of the proving have to be confirmed by cases. But the provers have the impression that the results are quite reliable and that the pictures are a representation of at least part of the essence of the remedy.
In provings one can get false results, false positive and false negative ones.
False positive
False positive results can come form the provers. A proving is an interaction of the field of the remedy, the provers and the surroundings. It is the task of the provers to perceive the field of the remedy without those of themselves and the surroundings. This is enhanced by the situation of the trituration proving:
1. Provings with more provers will tend to put personal fields to the background.
2. Provings done in a quiet surrounding give less contamination from the field of the outside world.
3. The provers could concentrate on the proving, not being distracted by technical problems that were taken care of by the pharmacist and organisers.
4. Trituration provings bring the provers in good focus; it is like a meditation of 4 hours with full focus on the remedy; this is enhanced by the triturating itself, the process of turning the pistal in the mortar gives a strong focus, almost like a mantra.
5. The ritual of starting and ending the proving enhances the focus.
False negative
False negative symptoms are the ones that belong to the remedy picture but are not elicited in the proving. These are unavoidable, for instance chronic physical symptoms. We handled this problem by trying to find the problem, the essence or nucleus of the remedy. This was enhanced by the function of the facilitator.
A test of proving came up during the seminar by coincidence. On the second day the 4 provings were all done with mangrove trees, three from the Rhizophoraceae and one from Avicennaceae. The provings were on the same time by 4 different groups, not knowing from each other.
The themes turned out to be very similar. All had strongly the theme of loneliness, being excluded and left out. So there was an obvious similarity.
The three of the Rhizophoraceae had lots of fights, especially between man and wife. That theme was not in that of the Avicennia, that was more serene. The differentiation between the families was also clear.
We can see this as a good example of the objectivity of provings, or at least the objective part of them.