Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.03 Lamium album
Names: Lamium levigatum. Lamium maculatum.
English: Dead Nettle; White nettle; White Deadnettle; White archangel; Rabbit meat.
Dutch: Witte dovenetel; Srinkers; Tingel; Dauwnetel; Zoetnetel; Zuugbloem; Zuigbuisjes; Zuiglammetjes; Zuigelingetje; Maameluiters; Memmenkruid; Goudhaansvoer; Melkbladerene.
Source: Laila Alberts (SHO).
Culture: Lamia, having a child of Zeus, killed by Hera.
Ailments from domination, by father, vicar, sect leader, surrendering.
Delusion: being blamed for reverses for which he was blameless.
Exhilaration, rush of ideas, loquacity, vivacity, singing.
Thoughts persistent, repeating, expressions, words, songs, involuntary fancies.
Passionate, enjoyment, excitement, vivid, pleasant, tremulous, pleasure, sexuality and activity.
Must hide or cover up with his excitement, suppressed emotions.
Whining sad, lachrymose, inclination to weep.
Feels abandoned, forsaken.
Anxiety, restless, driving from place to place, < chill, = sitting, standing, or walking.
Confusion, as if intoxicated.
Confusion of the head; he cannot perfectly collect his senses and is obliged to make an effort in talking.
Desire for work.
Discontented with his work.
Intense pain, < grief.
Regret, jealousy, < seeing happy mothers.
Sexuality refused, getting children refused
Fear: dark; insanity.
Dreams: vivid, disagreeable, anxious; unremembered; menses too early.
Physical: irritability, excitability and pain in shocks, thrusts.
Weather: heat, < slightest exertion, < talking, > rest; < open air; heat; chilliness; gooseflesh, < anxiety.
Sweat: < morning, hands, palms.
Time: < morning, < 5 am; pains appear gradually, disappear gradually.
Desire: drinks, constant thirst, though not during the chill.
Food: < eating; < drinking.
Sleep: wakeful, restless, unable to fall asleep; frequently waking.
Physical: < lying down in bed in morning; < rising from stooping; < rest; < pregnancy.
Energy: weakness of the body.
Head: headache, deep, violent, constricted with a cord, compressing, stitching, like needles, throbbing, < backward and forward motion of head, temples, occiput, > sitting, < rising from stooping, > rising from bed, < open air, < menses, < 5 am, + sweat; scalp tense, coronal suture.
Eyes: pressure eyeball; itching canthi, lower lid, < evening, > rubbing; indistinct vision, < evening; pupils extremely dilated, contracted; black before the eyes, < nausea.
Ears: deafness.
Face: pale; burning heat, cheeks, no redness or thirst, + cold hands without thirst.
Nose: violent coryza, dripping; blood; sneezing; bruised pain nostrils, = touch.
Face: stitches in the right side of the lower jaw, behind the ear.
Throat: sore, < swallowing, < moving the neck; lump; mucus, thick, sour; hawking; scraping; hyperthyreoidism.
Throat: larynx voice weak, unsteady, anxious.
Lungs: asthma; hemoptysis.
Heart: palpitation.
Chest: pressure; burning, middle of the chest, oesophagus, < eating or drinking; pressive pain above the left nipple, most violent while slumbering, extending to the shoulder as if beaten and strained; weak, < speaking.
Stomach: belching, empty, acid, water brash; nausea and vomiting, + heat, + great weariness and exhaustion; crawling, stitches, pressure beneath the pit of the stomach, < eating; pules in the pit of the stomach.
Abdomen: rumbling, hypochondria; dull uneasy pain in the hepatic region, > laying the hand upon it; bruised pain in the abdominal muscles beneath the false ribs; distension of the abdomen; colic, griping, as from incarcerated flatus, subsequent stool with emission of much flatus; dragging in the left side of the abdomen down in to the pubic region, as if a hernia would protrude there.
Rectum: diarrhoea; constipation; haemorrhoids; dragging, pressure, urging; stool pasty, hard, with blood.
Urinary: urethra, sensation drop of water were flowing through it.
Male: tickling in the glans penis.
Female: menses early, scanty, < new moon, menses painful; leucorrhoea, profuse, biting, white mucus; violent excitement, as if menstruation would come on.
Limbs: tearing; feet swollen, << hot weather; weak hands, < chill.
Skin: ulcers; wounds; heel, blisters, < slight rubbing.
Urinary: moisture flows through the urethra; painless sensation, like a burning, in the middle of the urethra when not urinating; urging, frequent, little discharge; dull stitches, right kidney, < deep breath.
Female: excitement in the uterus but especially a cutting above the hips, as if menstruation would suddenly appear, though it had just ceased.
Back: pain, small of back, beaten.
Limbs: drawing, tearing; heavy, weak, right arm, < rest; bruised pain on the inner surface of the arm, especially at the bend of the elbow, < stretching out the arm; crawling numbness, back of the hand, ball of the thumb, < moving the hand and a fine sticking smarting as if they had been switched; cramp, tearing in the muscle of the right thumb; drawing tearing in the first phalanx of the index finger, first joint of the last fingers of the right hand; intermitting, drawing, pressing tearing on the lower posterior muscles of the right thigh; pain in the bend of the thigh as if bruised, or as if he had walked a long distance; tension across the middle of the calves while walking, as if they were unyielding; cramp like pain and a bruised sensation externally in the right fibula; pain gnawing, pressing, heat, swollen, lower tibia, ankle; cramp like pressing pain on the ball left great toe, while sitting.
Skin: itching pimple wing of the nose, sore, < touch; blister heel, < rubbing, < walking, long-lasting ulcer, red swollen areola, smarting, fine sticking, biting, < morning, < lying; corroding, the sticking-itching on the arms, hands and neck.