Henry Allen
Allen Keynotes
Dark complexion, slight, lean, ill-developed, poorly nourished, overgrown; very tall for her age (Phos.). Children: old looking, wrinkled (Abrot.); scrofulous or psoric affections; rapid emaciation (Iod.); post climacteric diseases of women (Lach.). Haemorrhagic diathesis; small wounds bleed freely (Crot., Lach., Phos.); flow passive, in epistaxis, haemoptysis, haematuria; in typhoid, followed by great prostration; dark, oozing, after the extraction of a tooth (Ham.). Roaring and humming in ears, with deafness, before and during menses. Corrosive, fetid, ichorous discharges from mucous membranes; vitality greatly depressed. Itching, so violent toward evening as to drive one almost wild (itching, without eruption, Dolichos). Painful dentition; teeth begin to decay as soon as they appear; gums bluish-red, soft, spongy, bleeding, inflamed, scorbutic, ulcerated. Vomiting: of pregnancy, sweetish water with ptyalism; of cholera, during painful dentition; incessant with cadaverous stool; in malignant affections of stomach. Severe headache before and during menses (Sep.). Menses: too early, profuse, protracted; pain during, but < after it; flow on lying down, cease on sitting or walking about; cold drinks relieve menstrual pains; flow intermits; at times almost ceasing, then commencing again (Sulph.). Incontinence of urine; can only urinate when lying; copious, pale; urging, cannot get out of bed quick enough (Apis, Petros.); during first sleep (Sep.), from which child is roused with difficulty. Smarting and burning during and after micturition (Sulph.). Leucorrhoea: acrid, corrosive, offensive; worse between periods (Bov., Bor.); has the odor of green corn; stiffens like starch, stains the linen yellow. Lochia: dark, brown, lumpy, offensive, acrid; almost ceases then freshens up again (Con., Sulph.). Violent corrosive itching of pudenda and vagina.
Worse: In the open air; cold weather; when growing cold; from washing or bathing with cold water; rest, especially when lying.
Better: Generally better from warmth.