Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
555.15.08 Juniperus sabina, Sabina
DD: ferr-m.
Source: Interhomeopathy, October 2012.
Going on.
Music is intolerable, produces nervousness.
Sexual desire increased.
Killer of children.
Bitter and restless from having lost affection, of his children.
Dreams: running; walking, unable; invention, reflection, mental exertion; incomplete actions; men are killed by falling from a height; disputing; amorous; anger, angry; business, daily; busy; exhausting; vexatious.
Weather: heat, < sleep; < heat, warm air; > cool fresh air.
Sweat: profuse, < sleep.
Desire: lemonade.
Sleep: restless sleep, with orgasm.
Physical: < least motion.
Vertigo with suppressed menses.
Head: headache bursting, congested, flushed, suddenly coming and going slowly.
Face: flushed; drawing pains in masseter muscles.
Mouth: bitter taste; teeth ache, < chewing.
Heart: violent pulsations, > windows open.
Stomach: heartburn; pain lancinating, pit of stomach across back.
Abdomen: pain bearing-down, constrictive pain; colic, hypogastric; tympanitic distension.
Rectum: fullness; constipation; haemorrhoids, bleeding copious, bright, red.
Urinary: urine pain, burning throbbing, kidneys; bladder inflamed with throbbing; urethritis; urine bloody; much urging.
Male: gonorrhoea, pus-like discharge; sycotic outgrowths; burning, sore pain in glans; prepuce painful with difficulty in retracting it.
Female: menses profuse, bright, too early, too profuse, too protracted, paroxysmal, partly fluid, partly clotted, < least motion; menorrhagia, pale, red, clotted, < least motion, > walking, < menopause; metrorrhagia; uterus pains extend into thighs; miscarriage; leucorrhoea, corrosive, offensive, < after menses; retained placenta; intense after-pains; inflammation of ovaries and uterus after abortion; moles; menarche early; colic and labour-like pains, from sacrum to pubes; miscarriages, < third month; bleeding after parturition; << abortion or premature labour; premature labour; fig warts with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations; atony of uterus.
Back: pain drawing, from sacrum to pubis and from below upwards shooting up the vagina; paralytic pain in small back; pain bone and marrow, < music.
Limbs: pains bruised, anterior portion of thighs; shooting in heels and metatarsal bones; arthritic pain in joints, red, shining, swelling; gout, nodosities, < heated room.
Skin: fig-warts, with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations; warts; black pores in skin.