Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.51.08 Iris versicolor
Names: Iris hexona.
English: Blue Flag.
Source: Enna Stallinga.
They love parties and being wild, joking and laughing; showing off, party buffoon, always laughing at their own actions in a strange isolated sort of manner.
They have a robust and almost aristocratic personality.
Irritable and bossy, < headaches or stomach problems, < alone.
Restless and nervous, they mutter a great deal to themselves, their thoughts wandering as much as their bodies.
They cannot concentrate on one thing at a time, easily discouraged by this dullness of mind.
Easily vexed.
Fragile, sympathetic and tough.
Making beautiful things from rubbish, restoring old ruined things, puppets.
Dullness of mental faculties, < mental exhaustion.
Much mental depression; despondency; ill humour.
Nervous fretfulness.
Vexed, irritable mood, disposed to find fault.
Inability to fix the mind on any subject.
Dullness of the head, weakness of memory.
Hate, burning rage, irritable.
Disappointed from having believed in miracles.
Fear: illness and dying; growing old.
Dreams: dissecting dead bodies.
Weather: < hot weather.
Localisation: intestine 15; liver 12; spleen 11; stomach 31; tou mo 20; tou mo 22; tou mo 23.
Time: < evening; periodically, weekly; < spring and autumn; sudden start and rapid elimination.
Food: < sweets, < milk.
Physical: > gentle, continued motion, < rest.
General: affections of glands, lymph glands, thyroid, spleen, liver, pancreas, parotid glands, kidneys.
Head: sick headache, gastric, hepatic, intermittent, < sweets, < milk; migraine, neuralgias.
Eyes: sunken; blur before eyes, < before headache.
Ears: psoriasis; roaring, buzzing, ringing; deafness.
Nose: oily nose.
Mouth: burning, tongue; greasy taste; saliva copious.
Throat: burning; excoriated, < vomit; thyroid.
Stomach: tender; burning; dyspepsia; nausea; vomiting, very sour, acrid, burning, bitter, stringy, glairy, ropy mucus, hangs in long strings, < morning, < pregnancy.
Abdomen: burning; liver affections; ! pancreas affections; flow of bile restricted.
Rectum: burning; constipation; dysentery, diarrhoea; cholera in children; fatty stools.
Female: neuralgia, rheumatism of uterus.
Limbs: chronic hip disease, sciatica, rheumatism.
Skin: eczema, fistule, impetigo, psoriasis, whitlow, herpes zoster, secondary syphilis.