Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
663.55.17 Iresine calea, Achyranthes calea
English: Herb of fever.
Spanish: Herba du Tabardilla de Puebla.
Botany: Mexico; round stem, green, bluish-red hue when full-grown, gnarled and rugged, the leaves oval, spear-shaped and smooth.
Source: De Legarreta.
They beg forgiveness, desire to set their conscience right, excuse themselves.
Anxiety of conscience, remorse.
Begging, entreating.
Company, desire.
Company, aversion, not being spoken to, lie down in the dark, > silent persons; desire to be alone, aversion to answer, answers, monosyllabic.
Fear: suffering, panic.
Quiet, calm.
Religious, moral affections; low morale with uneasiness, twinges of conscience, religious preoccupation.
Apathy; indifference.
No sexual desire, aggravated by the cold.
Restlessness, nervousness.
Sensitive, oversensitive, < noise, < light.
Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy.
Stupor, torpor; unconsciousness, coma.
Dreams: nightmare, in children.
Weather: < cold; < damp, < sudden changes of temperature, barometric pressure.
Sweat: scanty, in fever.
Desire: cold water but it tastes bad.
Aversion: solid food; food.
Sleep: stupor, wakes often but only for a short time.
Physical: > covering, despite of heat; > strong pressure; < movement; > rest; < light, > dark.
General: acute congestive states.
Energy: fatigue, < work, < mental effort, > rest.
Fever: typhoid, typhoidal, intermittent, suffocative, heat, < resting, 38°C till 40°C.
Nervous: epidemic encephalitis; lymphocytic meningitis; neuritis, < cowpox, chicken pox and measles, psittacosis, rubella, scarlet fever, sepsis; torpor; indifference towards the environment.
Head: headache congestive, throbbing, < touch, > compression, > heavy pillow on the head, beating in the temporal arteries.
Eyes: bright, red; sensitive to light; burning; watering, bloodshot, hot, heavy, as sand in the eyes; drooping, eyelashes turn upwards; infected; yellow mucus secretion, > cold compresses; painful eyeballs, relieved by pressure of the fingers on the eyeball; dacryocystitis; blepharitis; conjunctivitis; keratitis; iritis.
Ears: itching, heat, dry; acute congestive otitis media; mastoiditis; strange noises in the head; cannot bear noise; auricle bright, red, tense; acute congestive otitis media; acute mastoiditis.
Nose: dry, blocked, painful; black secretion, relief from flowing; nosebleed, left side, < blowing the nose; maxillary sinusitis; frontal sinusitis; ethmoiditis.
Face: red, swollen, as from sun; pains, masseter, zygomatic muscles, > mouth open.
Mouth: hot, dry; dry, burning tongue; aphthae, < sun, < indigestion.
Throat: dry, burning, > swallowing; prickling, < cold drink; hoarse, < speaking in cold weather.
Lungs: breathing difficult, short, noisy, fast; cough very tiring, < catarrh; bronchopneumonia; pneumonia; pleurisy.
Chest: pain, pectoral muscles, intercostal; oppression, > deep, repeated inhaling.
Heart: weak; dry pericarditis; aortitis, syphilitic or atheromatous; aneurysm of the aorta; temporal arteritis; arteritis; myocarditis; pulse regular, slow, low, steady, strong, full.
Chest: acute mastitis; breasts sensitive to touch.
Stomach: acute epigastric pain, < cold; gastritis.
Abdomen: acute cholecystitis; haemorrhaging pancreatitis; acute colitis and enterocolitis.
Rectum: no urge; feeling of repletion.
Urinary: acute glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis; kidney abscess; bladder ineffectual straining, burning in the urethra; frequent, pressing emission of small quantities of hot, clear, reddish urine; urethritis.
Male: penis hot, flaccid, relaxed; scrotum congested with veins standing out; ejaculation rare, erection incomplete, impotence; burning in the urethra after ejaculation; after acute testicular surgery.
Female: > menses; valvulitis; bartholinitis; vaginitis; metritis; salpingitis; dryness and burning in the vagina.
Back: pain aching, bruising, heavy loins, neck; cold sweat on the back; torticollis; lumbago.
Limbs: muscular rheumatism, pains, stiff in the long muscles; feet, hands burning; acute joint rheumatism; hands and feet also perspire; acute osteomyelitis in adolescents; malignant lupus erythematous.
Skin: dry, burning, red; impression of goose-flesh, < moving; painful dermatitis.