Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.66.05 Iberis amara
Names: Iberis amara, Lepidium iberis, Thlaspi amara, Biauricula amara, Crucifera iberis.
English: Bitter Candytuft.
German: Bauernsenf, Grützblum.
Dutch: Bittere Scheefbloem.
They feel they cannot fulfil their potential in study, art and science. They cannot adapt to the expectations of themselves and their family in respect of their social position. They feel they should get an important position in society but do not succeed and then give up.
Fear of having taken too much medicine.
Morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill humour, peevish; irritability, < morning after rising.
Nervous, tense, restless, tossing in bed.
Everything is without meaning.
Failed school, friends have gone ahead, I was left behind, they stopped talking to me, abused, pushed.
Unfortunate, < being a failure, < friends and family having lost faith in him.
Father beat bad habits out of him, gives him fear, shudder.
Reproaches himself to have built air castles, that his life is built on an illusion.
Hibernation; withdrawal.
Fear: annoying others; being a burden to society.
Ailments from overwork, < children sick, < husband fighting, domineering, < boss angry.
Dreams: unpleasant, frightful; horrid, ludicrous; home; many; varied things.
Weather: < warm, < warm room, >< air; open; > cold.
Time: < 3 pm.
Desire: meat, wild, crab; tobacco.
Aversion: salt.
Food: < tobacco; < walnut oil, cinnamon.
Sleep: restless, continually turning in bed.
General: breakdown after influenza.
Vertigo: giddiness.
Head: headache, congested, full.
Nose: blocked.
Lungs: bronchitis; asthma, < dust, pesticides, monsoon.
Heart: hypertrophy; weak, << influenza; myocarditis, pericarditis; neurosis, dilatation; heavy, full, oppressed; pulse accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid, frequent full, hard, intermittent, double, dicrotism, irregular, jerking, slow, brachycardia, small; palpitations, visible, < slight exertion, motion, < ascending, << care of parents, < laughing, < cough, > sitting still, < sleep, < lying left side, + nausea, + numbness left arm, < headache.
Stomach: nausea; indigestion.
Rectum: diarrhoea; stool profuse, watery, clay, light, grey, white, like chalk.
Limbs: rheumatism, gout, muscle soreness.