Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.44.14 Hyphaene compressa
English: Doum palm.
Names: Boni: Mede; Bajuni: Marara; Kiswahili: Mkoma; Boran, Orma: Kone; Turkana: Eng’oli.
Source: Lamu provings.
DD: Kalium, Silicon series, Iron series.
In this remedy we see the family stays in their own little world, at home, having little contact with the outside. The family members’ attention is turned inwards, to each other. It is easy and calm but it becomes boring, everyone knows everything about each other. It lacks joyfulness, nothing much happens. In the end they do not even notice the beauty and sensuality of women.
This can be Stage 14. The themes that fit with it are: emptiness, boring, numb, lack of joy and playfulness.
Very caring, with a strong feeling of being together.
Sensuality of women not noticed or appreciated.
Disturbed by outsiders, strangers.
Separated when together; alone even in company; everyone alone in his own grief.
Boring, grey, numb; lack of flirting, playfulness, with women; desire for joy, space, play, inspiration.
Rational, lack of feeling.
Women subservient to men; men have no understanding and caring for women, pay them little attention.
Calm, gentle, easy, understanding, soft, peaceful, warm together.
Fever: malaria.
Abdomen: worms.