Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Hyoscyamus nigern
Hyoscyamus niger
Congested nerve centers; with pale face. Spasm, tremor, jerks, cramps, etc., or active mania; alternating with, or ending in depressive narcosis, with angular or clutching motions, CARPHOLOGY, subsultus, etc. Picks fingers. Zymoses. Eclampsia.
Many bewildering aberrations. Confusion. Delirium. MANIA, erotic, exposes genitals; riotous; laughing, singing, talking, babbling, quarreling, etc.; silly, with comical acts; plays with fingers. Fumbles the genitals. Lascivious (females). Jealousy. Suspicious; fears being alone, being pursued, water, etc.; wants to escape. Speaks each word louder. First, can't think, then can barely be aroused, then relaxation; with muttering, the lower jaw drops, he slides down in bed, has involuntary stools - bloody or yellow watery. Typhoid states. Vertigo, then spasm. Waves of pulsation in head. Pulsating headaches. Head shakes to and fro; < bending forward. Squint. Averse to light. Spasmodic closure of eyelids. Grimaces. Sordes on teeth. Stiff, dark, red, cracked tongue. Elongated uvula. Stools involuntary, although hard. Frequent, scanty, painful, nightly urination or retained urine. Spasms of dry, hacking, night cough; from a dry spot in larynx; < lying, eating or talking. Nervous wakefulness. Starts out of sleep. Low fever; with hot, pale skin. Warm sweat. Sexuality excited by Hyoscine is antidoted by Platina.
Region: MIND; Brain; Nerves; Muscles, Face; Eyes.
Worse: EMOTIONS: Fright; Jealousy; TOUCH; Lying; Cold; Sleep.
Better: Sitting up.