Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.53.04 Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Agraphis nutans
Names: Endymion non-scriptum; Scilla non-scripta; Agraphis nutans; Scilla nutans.
English: Commoon Bluebell; English Bluebell; Wood bells; Wild Hyacinth; Culverkeys.
Content: mucilage; inulin; saponins; pyrolidine, piperidine.
Source: Bailey.
DD: all-c; calc-p; calc-i; hydras; sil; sulph-i.
Sad, grief.
Fear: something dreadful will happen, to husband; impending doom; end of the world, nuclear bomb; everything falling apart.
Restricted by the past, <<< no approval for their deeds.
Lost self-esteem, feeling rotten inside, unworthy, sinner beyond redemption.
Theme: death, dying, Graves’s disease.
Delusion: neglected; excluded; in religion, society, being special.
Desire to belong, being included, part of.
Constrained; oppressed; constricted; held in tightly; grasping; holding on; clutching.
Attractive behaviour, vivacious, egotism, loquacity; attractive clothing, cosmetics.
Autism, deaf, mute, in a cocoon.
Shy, fear of strangers.
Desire music, dance.
Restricted, no approval for their deeds. Lost self esteem.
Sensation being rotten inside, unworthy, sinner.
Feels too constricted and suffocated when included. They are not interested in me. I am neglected.
Included or excluded, belonging, in religion, society, being special.
Restless, active.
Desire to hide, withdrawal.
Fear: losing beauty, youth.
Dream: her mother is driving the car, her father and she are sitting in the back, her mother says that she will tell some things about the family.
Dream: she beats her mother because her mother wants to kill an innocent person.
Colour preference: 9A, 17A.
Sensation: forced out, squeezed, excluded, left out, oppressed, constrained, constricted.
Weather: cold << cold winds, < grey weather; - >> sun, <- wind, > shelter.
Time: < May.
Food: < cold drinks, < ice.
Head: headache, full, forehead, behind her eyes, > open-air, outside; < thinks about world can be destroyed.
Eyes: pain pain; vision cloudy periphery.
Ears: catarrh; deaf from enlarged adenoids, tonsils; frequently accompanying dentition.
Nose: discharge yellow, green, thick; catarrh.
Mouth: restriction; taste like lemon, bitter; < dentition; pain shooting, saw, temples, around eyes.
Throat: catarrh; constriction; swollen tonsils, adenoids.
Lungs: cough, < indoors; tuberculosis.
Heart: palpitation.
Chest: pressure.
Stomach: nausea, > open-air, < pregnancy, > diet coke.
Rectum: mucous diarrhoea, < suppressed coryza, < cold drinks, < taking cold.
Female: leucorrhoea, profuse, in little girls.
Urinary: urine scanty.
Limbs: tingling, palms is; hands clammy.
Skin: eczema in her cervical region, itching, red, scaly; acne, < stress.