Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.34.16 Hura crepitans, Hura brasiliensis
English: Monkey's Dinner-bell; Monkey pistol; Sandbox tree; Dynamite tree.
Botany: seed boxes open suddenly and fall on the people under the tree, it looks like the stoning of lepers.
Source: Grandgeorge.
The keynote is ailments from being friendless. It is for an outcast, Stage 16, known for leprosy.
Delusion has lost affection of friends, alone in the world, deserted, despised, is lost for salvation, unfortunate, sad thoughts.
Fancies about to lose a dear friend, dreams walking among ruins.
Double-bind between child and parent after the death of another child.
Ailments from grief.
Breaking things, destructiveness, desires activity, indifference to pleasure, bites himself, reproaches himself.
Delusions: deserted, forsaken, despised, lost affection of a friend; his friends have lost all confidence in him; alone in the world; repudiated by relatives; forsaken, isolation.
Anger, biting own hand, < contradiction; biting: hands, nails; - > breaking thing; destructive.
Absent-mindedness, < working; concentration difficult; confusion, dullness, difficult thinking; mistakes: localities, time, month, reading.
Cheerfulness, excitable, gaiety, happiness, mirth; laughing: nervous, < pain.
Affectionate, love for everyone about him.
Amorous; perversity; passionate; dreams: amorous, lascivious, feasting, parties.
Ennui, tedium.
Work: mania, indolence, <-.
Impatience: < pain.
Moral affections: want of moral feeling.
Irritable, least contradiction.
Disposition to love everybody.
Reproaching himself, what he has done, feels very guilty.
Provocations of leprous patients.
Glory of dignity.
Only negative judgments about offensive actions, revelations.
Promoting discords.
Intellectual superiority.
Hurt in his self-love, childish dependency.
Manipulating others, pervert, black angel.
Desire light, to be brilliant.
Sadness, unfortunate, sighing, weeping < singing.
Starting, < noise, < sleep, < trifles.
Delusions: spectres, ghosts, salvation lost, religious despair.
Delusion: being left by family; lose dear ones; being alone in the world; lost; being despised; friendless; unfortunate; humiliation.
Fear, panic attacks: falling < walking.
Dreams: business; work; large business operations.
Dreams: corpses; bodies, dead, mutilated, their arms cut off; children with their heads half cut off, decapitated.
Dreams: sea voyage, journey, travelling; purchases; parties, pleasure, feast; swimming in a warm, dark-green river.
Dreams: plantation in Brazil where some men were drawing up water from a yellow-looking marsh.
Dreams: amorous, lewd, lascivious, voluptuous.
Dreams: animals, devouring meat in market; putrid oxen.
Dreams: houses being built; demolition of a public building, ruins.
Dreams: crimes; guns, shots; murder; assassins; revolution, gunshots.
Dreams: funerals; graves, putting tapers on tombs; churchyard, about death and burial.
Dreams: Nazi’s, Neonazis, war, destruction.
Dreams: cutting; hunting; pleasant; release of prisoners; yellow water.
Colour preference: 3A2.
Weather: < open air.
Time: < 3 pm.
Head: headache.
Eyes: vision of dust, blindness; called islets, worse closing eyes.
Ears: air bubbles.
Face: bar through jaws, from ear to ear.
Chest: small ball left breast.
Mouth: warm, scaling palate and throat.
Throat: violent burning, sore, = water.
Lungs: suffocation.
Stomach: nausea; violent pain in stomach, vomiting.
Rectum: diarrhoea, violent; purging.
Limbs: splinter under thumb, ring finger.
Back: pain gnawing, bitten by dogs, lumbar region, buttocks, thighs.
Skin: hemangioma; vitiligo; leprosy.